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robin stood at her doorstep idly.

"so, i'll see you tomorrow evening?" steve asked, tacking on, "if you don't want to come to babysit again thats okay, you still have time to think about it."

"friday, right?"

"yes, friday."

"i'll sleep on it."

steve nodded slowly, "don't push yourself, though. i get nancy makes you uncomfortable."

"dear god, steve. stop being sappy," robin smacked his shoulder, spinning around and unlocking her front door.

"fine, just remember what i said," he huffed.

"aye-aye, captain."

steve chuckled, "seeya, buckley!"

"bye, dingus," robin called, pushing through the enterance of her house. she scanned her surroundings, her parents were nowhere to be found.

robin decided that since her parents weren't around she could do whatever she wanted. fabulous. after dropping her backpack off by the front, she walked into the kitchen; gathering the contents to make cereal with a grin.



nancy laid on her side, legs splayed out and a magazine in hands.

"nancy, are you ever going to come out?" mike shouted as he passed her room.

"go away!" she cried, her brows pinching together with irritation.

she rolled onto her other side, her back now facing her slightly cracked door. she'd been going over whatever the hell happened friday night; not reading.

yesterday she had been occupied with chores and hanging out with johnathan, so she hadn't had the opportunity to think over everything that occured.

her emotions felt overwhelming and sharp, like a cold splash of water to the face. whenever nancy was around robin she felt ill. so ill it made nancy hate her in a way she couldn't quite explain. she had never felt this way around another girl. and had determined it was probably due to the fact she was so damn jealous of her. robin never particularly stood out, but something about her was uniquely charming.

she began to understand why steve chose her, their relationship was definitely due to the fact that she was so captivating. not that nancy thinks she is captivating or cool. or anything.

but a teensy part of her still didn't fully get why they were a couple. i mean, robin was a total band geek. she had little reputation-- whereas steve was popular, despite being attentive to his friends he was also admittedly an airhead. sort of like a sterotypical nice guy jock.

so why would robin choose him? nancy's mind started moving quicker, who made the first move? was robin's type really a jock? and steve-- well, of course he likes robin. she's cool. i guess. but like, a jock and--

she exhaled, steadying herself. her heartbeat had naturally quickened to an uncomfortable rate since her mind began exploring all these topics.

all of this is far-fetched bullshit. nancy was just
jealous robin had everything she wanted. steve i suppose, a handful of talents, good grades-- that was it. just plain jealousy. sickening jealousy.

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