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nancy let out a low, breathy sigh. she was relaxing on the couch before robin and steve arrived.

her nerves were tense, her small frame had been stiff with anxiety all day; it must be clear, cause each kid had individually asked her if she was doing well earlier. cause' apparently she didn't look 'too well.'

her head snapped up as robin and steve scuffled downstairs, robin was batting at his forearm as they made their way to the couch.

"hi, nancy," steve smiled warmly.

"hi steve!" she responded, shifting to make room on the couch beside her. steve didn't exactly pick that up, but robin did. her gaze briefly grew sympathetic.

why did robin look so sympathetic? steve was her boyfriend. she should be pissed off.

the kids cooed and called hello's to both steve and robin. a small part of nancy felt jealous robin got along with the kids so well so quickly.
nancy reminded herself robin stuck by the kids last summer throughout everything.

robin gave a distant nod to nancy, her gaze was back to looking relatively blank. steve dragged robin to the couch, slamming her into the middle cushion before sprawling out over the left arm piece. robin emitted a low laugh that could only be described as dulcet.

in nancy's defense, she wouldn't hate robin so much if she wasn't so damn perfect. everything about her every move was so uniquely-- perfectly perfect it made nancy feel sick to her stomach.

nancy kept a watchful eye on both robin and steve whilst trying to maintain her temper. she recalled back to last movie night-- throwing a fit over robin sleeping on her boyfriend was ridiculous in reterospect.

steve munched on the popcorn boyishly, covering his jacket in crumbs.

"dude... eew..." robin muttered to him, motioning to his jacket.

"its fine."

"do you not want to impress nancy?" robin whispered, her tone dropping an octave.

nancys eyebrows quirked up at robins question, she tried her best to keep her gaze fixed on the movie but her stomach flipped.

"nah, don't you? you've been equally as messy as me."

"have not!" she hissed back, their voice levels still not exceeding a whisper.

"also--" she leaned in, whispering something into his ear. nancy couldn't quite make out what. she clenched her fists.

they passed a smirk, robin gave a quick glance to nancy.

they both ceased their aimless discussion, refocusing their attention on the movie.

nancy waited patiently. robins presence still pissed her off but her feelings were more manageable now. it was almost like after her and johnathan broke up this sort of weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she was suddenly back to her typical nancy-self.

not as jealous. not so uptight. calmer. things will be okay. she couldn't change the fact that steve and robin were now together. steve and nancy were better apart anyways.

she sighed.

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