17 and a half.

118 4 2

nancy paced, the ring of the line filled her kitchen as she impatiently waited for steve to pick up.

"yes, nance? i just got off of work," he spoke first, sounding exhausted.

"i'm sorry, we need to talk," nancy's heart sunk, what was she doing?

"okay..." he began slowly, it was evident through the tone in his voice he was spent.

"can i come pick you up?" she asked, rocking on her feet infront of the phone.

"sure, i have work in the morning so don't keep me up late, okay?"

"of course," and with that, nancy slammed the phone back into where it rested. she hurried out of the house frantically, swinging her keys around her index finger as she made her way into the garage.

nancy wasn't very levelheaded in this moment; she had been desolate and waiting for what felt like an eternity. steve and her needed to have a conversation, she needed to end the battle she'd been living through for the past six years.

as she pulled into steve's driveway, curfew was nearing. she shifted the car into park as anticipatation built in her throat.

steve strolled out, looking dreary.

he sat in the passenger seat patiently, nancy felt like the world had decelerated entirely. her mind swayed back and forth like a ship at sea.

"are you okay, nancy?" steve inquired, "whats going on?"

"i can't take this anymore," she whimpered, pressing her back harder into the seat.

he paused expectantly.

"i think i like robin. i'm so sorry," her eyes stung as they grew watery, "i think i have for awhile-- all that shit with johnathan was a lie, i'm so sorry," she kept apologizing, spiraling into a breakdown.

nancy clasped her face between her hands, crying profusely.

"and it reminds you of barb?" his voice was gentle, unusually okay.

"yes.. i--" she hiccuped through a sob, "i'm so sorry."

"stop saying you're sorry, it's okay."

steve reached out and placed a palm on her back, rubbing the space between her shoulderblades comfortingly.

"are you sure? i'm such-- i'm such a bitch," her cries crescendoed, dropping back down to silence after a few broken beginnings of a sentence and hiccups.

"you're not a bitch, it's okay. i promise you."

something about steve's facial expression confused nancy. he was almost frowning so hard it seemed like a smile would be teasing at his lips otherwise. the corners of his eyes were creased ever so slightly.

"what do i do?" she whispered.

"talk with her."

"i can't, steve. what if she's straight? what if she goes and tells people?"

"you'll never know until you talk with her."

she shook her head, nose now red and puffy. "i can't, i really can't."

"i think you should listen to me, and go talk with her."

"my crushes have never gotten this bad," she pointed out, "i'll get over it, thank you for understanding."

"so i'm single now?"

she snorted at his bluntness, "i think so?"

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