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I woked up soooo tired from last night , we had a time last time

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I woked up soooo tired from last night , we had a time last time . I chuckled to myself

I should call Dani & London to see what's the move for tonight
* Incoming FT call from * 3 Musketeers

Dani : Heyyy tasia babyy


Tasia : hey y'all , I was just thinking about calling y'all .

Dani : We're going to this night club tonight, you should definitely come tasia .

London: yeah it'll be someee cutiess thereeee .

knowing wha she was suggesting , i almost said no but I NEED to get out of this apartment

Tasia : yk im not looking
for no " cuties" rn London

Dani: Don't let one spoiled apple ruined it for the bunch tasia . Not all men is like that.

Tasia : yeah um , I'll let y'all know I'm finna take a shower

I hung up before they said anything , I got in the shower for 30 mins or so

I kinda want some chipotle, ima order some food rn

there was a knock at the door

ohh , must be my food let me go get it

I opened the door && seen the most beautiful woman ever but she looked lost

Can I he- she cut me off , im sorry I'm at the wrong apartment

Do you know what your apartment number is?  I asked

Apartment 234 she said looking irritated

Um look behind you I said chuckling

Oh shi right behind me thank you she said laughing at her self

As she walked away my DoorDasher was at the elevator so I just got it

I couldn't stop thinking about her , I should asked her name smacking my head as I was talking

After I ate my food , I took a heaven sent nap



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