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~ 5 months later ~

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~ 5 months later ~

we are finally going dress shopping both of our parents is here Dani and London is also here along with my sister

I walked out , so what do you guys think I said looking the the mirror while on that stand

it's beautiful my mom said crying

your look gorgeous sister I'm happy for you my sister said smiling

girl you look amazing Dani said clapping

it's very pretty London said clapping as well

My baby couldn't see my dress so my anxiety was through the roof



I walked out and almost immediately my family started crying

Y'all don't cry I said laughing

these are happy tears baby my mama said wiping her eyes

I think this is the one I said checking myself out in the mirror

I hope she'll like it I said in my head

everyone had their 2 cents saying it was very gorgeous

~ we both got our dresses fitted and out in that black cover up thingy ~

your total is 10,456.89 cents she said towards the both of us

Okay Taraji pulled out her card and it went through

babe are your sure your goi- she cut me off

baby anything for us to be happy she said grabbing my hands

we went to the venue next to rent it out

hellloooo someone said as we entered

this will be the venue for the wedding you guys can look around and check it out and meet me back here for check it out the lady said holding the door open for us

you think this is it raji asked me as I was in awe

I think it's perfect baby I said with tears falling

okay let's go booked it she said grabbing my hand

after she paid for the venue we went home to send out rsvp for the wedding

baby I love you I said kissing her

I love you more mami , I can't wait to have children with you

now let's get this wedding on the roaddd making me laughing

~ next week was the wedding day~


as I was getting ready my mom came in

hey my baby she said tearing up again

mommmm stop crying I said wiping her tears

I can't you look so beautiful and my only baby is getting married

she sat down

but we need to have a talk she said seriously

what happened mom

do you think you really want to marry someone that won't let you pay for anything or someone who just broke up with you and sprung a marriage on you ?

I couldn't believe what she was saying

mom I'm in love with her and she's in love with me she doesn't let me pay for anything because that her love language she likes to take care of the people she loves and it's not like I don't pay at alll I do pay sometimes
And she aslo broke up with me FOR me so I don't what your suggesting but it's not gonna happen i said angrily

baby that's not what I'm saying but what I am saying is be careful

I made her leave I couldn't even with her right now making me seem like I'm a prisoner or something

~ a hour later ~

Taraji was already on the stand , my dad was walking me down the aisle and raji started crying

once I reached the stand we said our vows

"I promise to always make you laugh and to laugh together." "I vow that we will be a family forever." "I could never get bored when I'm with you." "Together we will always have trust because our promises of honesty and love will be our strength." She said making me drop a tear

I fantasia take you, Taraji , to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the person you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us

She started crying but like not heavy tears

is there any objections the man said making taraji give the audience the death stare

Alright now She said making everyone laugh

I grant you wife and wife you may kiss they bride he said as Taraji started to dip me in the most beautiful kiss

~ the after party ~

are you okay mami she asked me

yeah I'm fine baby I'm just tired I said falling asleep

okay everyone we'll be going see y'all later Taraji said as she picked me up and put me in her car to go home

we drove home

as she put me in bed she started to cry

what's wrong baby I said sitting up

no nothing is wrong these are happy Tear im finally happy mami she said laying on my lap

we fall asleep together

I know I know it's a short chapter

But the next one will be lengthy

sooo how y'all feeling about tasia mama ?


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