Just roaming

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I walked for while , my mind clouded with decisions I know I shouldn't let her to me

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I walked for while , my mind clouded with decisions I know I shouldn't let her to me. I heard my phone ring and it was Taraji


"Where are you?"

"Do your job and come find me!"

"You got jokes?"

"For you? Definitely! Now what you want?"

"You but you won't give me"

"Why are you bothering me?"

"I may have had two or four drinks.."

"And what do you need ?"

"YOUUU! I need you!"

"You need sleep—where did you get drinks from?"

"This lesbian bar— i got two winks and six whiskey , aslo some whistles!"

"You need a ride don't you?"


"Coming drop your location"


I hung up on her and hopped in my car waiting for the message. Once received I took off finding my way there in thirty minutes

As soon as I entered she was waving and smirking , here we go "heyyyy tasi— uh" she hiccup from drinking "come on" she shook her head "not till you forgive me!" I rubbed my head

"Not now Taraji" - "no I want the world to know I love you! And I'm sorry!" I rolled my eyes "ta-" before I knew it she was on the bar table smiling and waving

"HELLOOO FELLOW LESBIANS!" I put my head down in embarrassment. "I WANT YOU GUYS TO KNOW" she hiccuped again "I AM INFECTED WITH A DIEASE" I know she didn't—

I just know she didn't "THE DISEASE IS CALL IN LOVE WITH FANTASIA! SHES MY ONEEEEE AND OOONLY!" I laughed with my head down this was embarrassing

"I DID SOME STTUPID SHIT! BUTTTT!" She rasied her finger like she made a scientific discovery "BUT I LOVES HER! AND I WANT HERRR TO FORGIVE ME"

"FORGIVE ME , FORGIVE ME" she said starting a chant and everyone and I mean everyone went along chanting

"FORGIVE HER FORGIVE HER FORGIVE HER" I lifted my hands up to her and she shook her head "say it fantasia!" - " I forgive you mamas now come down!" She smiled and fell into my arms

I Carried her out bride style , I put her in the passenger side and i started driving , she was clean out!

"Tasia?" She mumbled, she wasn't sleep but she was at the same time "sometimes... I think about you and- I wished I'd never know you—" my heart broke and tears filled my eyes

"Not in a bad way though— i wished I never did because then I wouldn't have made the biggest mistake! If I hadn't met you I wouldn't be infatuated with you, I'd be able to function properly and most of all! I wouldn't have to worry about breaking your precious heart!"

She had put a whirlSpin on my feelings

Serenity POV:

I called my ex boyfriend and to my surprise he answered

"Hello?" But it wasn't him it was a female voice. I stumbled over my words

"Is Henry there?"

"Yeah.. Henry? Here" I heard movements


"Henry? We need to talk"


"I had your child.."

A uncomfortable silence fell

"No you didn't , last time we did was around eight months ago"

"And I was pregnant and I had you child a week ago"

"No you didn't and even if you did it ain't mines it's that step daddy of yours nasty little whore"

He hung up and I fell to my knees crying . I felt so cold and alone, I was supposed to have support and had nothing , I felt the walls closing in on me

But I felt a warmth against me,I looked up and seen Draco "what's wrong sis?" - "I have two kids! Two baby fathers that want shit to do with me or my children... this isn't fair to me!" I started sobbing in his arms

"I know , I know. It isn't fair that something like this happened to you! It's unbelievable and straight up heartbreaking! But we are here. I'm here okay? I may not know a lot or don't have children but your kids will be like mines" I know he was just trying to get me to stop crying

I just didn't like how this was going. Rough start to motherhood.

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