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~ A year later ~

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~ A year later ~

I have the test results here , Are you ready the nurse said holding the clipboard

yes I am Taraji said taking the deepest breath

~ 5 months ago ~

mami ?

yes baby I said looking at her face that was full of confusion

I want to start ivf and see if there a small chance I could get pregnant Taraji said sitting up waiting for my answer nervously

ofc when ever your ready I said holding her

~ Back to Now ~

okay so you have a one percent chance of getting pregnant now if you want to you'll have to get started almost immediately

AHHHHH is all Taraji said jumping up ands down

Baby we're gonna be pregnant I said smiling at her little moment

how soon can we start ? Taraji started tearing up

man I can't believe this she said laughing as she was crying

You can start today if you would like the nurse said making raji more excited

Let's do it we both said in unison

~ a longgg lengthy process ~

Okay you have to get a shot right here every day until next month and then you'll do a test to see if you conceived the nurse said

we nodded and raji started putting her clothes back on

babe we're really doing I said

yeah we are she was smiling ear to ear man I've never seen her happier

let's go

~ we arrived home ~


3 months ago, we bought a house with 5 bedrooms and 6 baths in the same town as Dani and London, we aslo have a pet monkey now




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