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her birthday is coming before mines and i wanna do something very special for her , she doesn't know I'm planning something for her

heyy babe she says as she plants a kiss on my lips , tasting like strawberries

hey mama , soo what are your plans for your birthday in 4 daysss I asked with excitement in my voice

umm I don't have nothing planned honestly, Dani and London usually throws me surprise parties but I don't know , what are you doing for yourrr birthday weekend she asked

I don't have anything planned neither I guess we'll be together then for our birthday week i chuckled knowing  what I have planned

I went to full coco and auora bowls , they was hungry

babe we're gonna have to buy more dog food ima go to the store I said as I grabbed my keys

* I drove to the store and back to the apartment

tasia had invited Dani and London over so we was all hanging

hold that thought I have to use the bathroom tasia said getting up to go the bathroom

hey I started whispering to Dani and London, do you guys have anything planned for tasia birthday week

no but we're trying to figure something said Dani

Okay I know this is a stretch I wanted to take tasia on a bae-cation because you know our birthday is in the same week

sure we can keep her busy while you plan and help you surprise her but before y'all leave we should throw a party before y'all leave for her London said

I completely agreed, tasiaaa you okay in there I said

Yeah I'm okay , jus give me a sec she shouted

*we chatted for hours until Dani and London left *
I got their numbers to help plan the party I know tasia won't catch on but to be safe I put them as thing 1 and thing 2

I'm tired so imm gonna take a nap tasia said getting up to go to the bed

okay I'll be in there in a minute I said looking at my phone smiling

who you smiling at she said tilting her head with curiosity

nobody mama I'm comin now I got up and went to laid with her

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