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Our babies are finally one year old and I can't stop crying about it like how we let our babies get older and older

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Our babies are finally one year old and I can't stop crying about it like how we let our babies get older and older

Babe you gotta stop crying it's okay

No it's not, they are getting older and I'm sad

baby their party is in a hour people is going to start pulling up she started laughing

Come here baby she said

she hugged me and wiped my tears

If I gotta be strong so do you . You think I don't want to cry ? My babies are one I can't believe this shit man

Mama serenity said looking sad

yes baby

( Im mama and raji is mommy )

why are ywu sad? She said shrugging her shoulders with her hands up

because mama can't believe you guys are one today I said wiping my tears

well im still a baby she said holding my face smushing my cheeks together

i chuckled yes you are , your my baby I said hugging her

All right let's get you guys dressed where is your sister?

she was coming but she went to ha rwoom

okay let's go get her I said getting off the bed and holding raji hand

we started to get them dressed as people started rolling in

* Knock Knock

That's probably Dani and London you know they live the closest

yeah probably so ima get the door raji said

You guys look so cute I said as I stood up

thank you mama Ivy said with her fingers in her mouth

mama ?

yes Ivy ?

can we have cake ?

Yes you can baby just not right now

Let me take y'all pictures outside

Come on

Come on

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