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Ivy pov :

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Ivy pov :

My mama texted me asking me for the address to my mommy house now I was skeptical but it's my mama what stupid shit would she do ? Then what she hasn't already done

I decided to call her

"Ma if I give you this address don't do nothing stupid okay ? Like don't because then I won't tell you anything else okay ?" She nodded and smiled "yes baby , I love you" she hung up

I took a deep breath and texted her the address

Fantasia POV:

"IVY , DRACO LETS GO..okay serenity just breath" my baby water broke and she was panicking "mommy I want mama too please I can't AGHHH mommy can I curse"

I laughed Ivy and Draco came down, Draco slipped on her water "EWW WHAT THE FU-FREAK IS THIS" he got up looking at his arms "her water broke let's go , Ivy get the bag" she rushed towards serenity room

Serenity waddled to the car in pain , Draco was pretty much disgusted "mommy this is-"-"nasty I know now let's go"

We got in and Ivy was helping serenity breath "AGHHHH someone please call mama now I WANT HER AS WELLLLLL" she was in pain

I put Taraji on FaceTime she looked like she was on a plane "Taraji where the hell are you going ?" She rolled her eyes

"Know what I don't care , your daughter is in labor and wants you here so find a way , you have they location" I hung up"MOMMMY"-"okay baby i hear you" I pulled into the er driveway

"HEYY MY DAUGHTER IS IN LABOR" a couple of nurses came and helped serenity in a wheelchair

Serenity POV:

I hated labor this shit isn't a joke like whatsoever I ain't having no more kids NUN "MOMMMY THIS SHIT HURTSSS" I was crying

This pain is unbearable "it's okay baby you'll be fine" I was in a hospital bed and mommy and my siblings were just staring

"YALLL ARE NOT HELPINGGGG ME.. I want a epidural" my mommy looked at me "no absolutely not" I shook my head

"MOMMY PLEASE I CANTTTTT"-"LOOK AT ME yes you can okay ? You will be fine it hurts right now yes but it won't later if your mama and I can do it you can as well" I just laid back and cried

𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

"MOMMY WHY ARENT THEY HELPING ME PUSH YET"-"baby you is not 10cm dilated yet only 5" I sat up "ONLY FIVE ? WHERES MAMA ?" I looked at Ivy who was checking the location

"I don't know it's off" ain't no way I just laid back and cried "YALL NEED TO COME OUT WHYYYY ARENT YALL LISTENING?" I yelled at my babies how y'all stubborn and ain't even here yet

𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

At this point I was drenched in my own sweat "MOMMY HOW MUCH LONGER" I was over this shit , my mama walked in with bags and shit "MAMAAA IM SORRY"-"baby no need i understand and I'm sorry that I didn't notice for so fucking long and I know a apology won't fix what's already been done but I love you and hope you can forgive me" I nodded

"she wants a epidural" my mama looked at me "no why ?"-"mama you and mommy are strong enough I am not I am having two babies" she looked at me then to my mommy "baby i had two as well and your mother had one you think I don't know what you feeling? I do cause I felt that same way but you are not getting that epidural okay ?"
I turned to Ivy

"Ivy please hold me" she got behind me and did as asked "Ivy?"-"yes sis?" I looked at my moms and Draco "don't have kids stay a lesbian and let your wife carry them" she laughed

"I love you Serenity"-"I love you to-AGH FUCK OKAY OKAY SOMEONE GET THAT DAMN DOCTOR"

My brother ran into the hallway and came back with my doctor "Dr.Smith PLEASE get these stubborn ass children out my vagina now"'my mama laughed but it wasn't a joke "okayy let me checkkk... we'll your ready let me page my head nurse"

"FINALLY 13 FUCKING HOURS" my mommy yelled that was unnecessary seeing how she was the one in pain for 13 hours

𝐀 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

"MOMMY MAMA PLEASEE PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE TAKE HER OUT OF ME"-"one more push" the head nurse told me my son has already been out for a while my damn daughter acting stubborn as shit

"OKAY OKAYYYY" I took a deep breath my mama held my hand and my mommy rubbed my back "AGHHHHHHH FUCKKK" I literally screamed I felt like my vagina was ripping "I FEEL LIKE SHES SPLITTING MY VAGINA"-"she is" my mama stepped behind the doctor

I can't push again this shit is ripping and burning and a whole bunch of shit "look baby one more time okay ? Once more" I pushed for my mommy and finally she was out

"I like her nerve crying as she ripped my coochie in half" my sister laughed my brother been left the room he quoted he never wanted to see this wait till he married

"Wait ?" My mama said looking at the kids "what ? What ?" She was scaring me the way she said it "fantasia"

Now both of my mommas was examining my kids "WHAT ?" My mommy can over

Fantasia POV:

The kids were identical but different skin tones like the girl was darkskin and head full of hair but the boy was light skin "the kids just have different skin tones that's all we was expecting identical you know ?" Serenity took a breath

"Look me and your mama going to get you some food your siblings gonna stay okay ?" She nodded "get my a qboua bowl okay ? White rice black beans lettuce diced tomatoes cilantro umm" i laughed "baby I know your order by heart..Taraji let's go"

Taraji left with me and Ivy and Draco went into the room with serenity

"What's wrong Taraji ? Why are you examining the kids like that" she was looking out the window "something isn't right, I know twins can be two different skin tones but the girl has like loose curls and dark like her boyfriend and the boy had Afro tight hair and light skin like.." she went quiet "like your husband.. you know I still don't understand why you didn't tell me my daughter was raped !" She looked at me "if Ivy came to you in confidence and told you something and made you promise to keep a secret would you tell me ?" -"IN A HEARTBEAT.. Taraji we are mothers to those kids and for you to not tell me is outrageous"

She just looked away

This conversation isn't over !

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