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( Trigger warning: Rape)

"Momma when your date getting here ?" Draco asked but truth is I haven't been on any dates since Taraji I honestly don't think I ever will

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"Momma when your date getting here ?" Draco asked but truth is I haven't been on any dates since Taraji I honestly don't think I ever will

"Ummm mommy baby she cancelled so I'm going with you to New York to get your sisters " his head pop into my office "what you mean your coming ma don't start no drama"

I rolled my eyes "boy nobody cares about your mama being married I've accepted it and I'm happy for her" he look me up and down "okay ma we leave in a hour get ready"

He acted like he was my mom I nodded and did as told . "BABY WHERES MY JORDANS" -" sorry ma here they is" me and him was the same size so thought he could take my shoes whenever even tho he has more than me

"Ask baby" he nodded and left I loved being the younger mom because I related more to my kids than Taraji she have a husband but she doesn't have the same bond so ha!


𝐀 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

"Ma the car is here come on this trip is going to take forever" i slapped the back of his head "boy im right here let's go" he laughed and locked the door

"Ughh I hate road trips we should've flew" he rolled his eyes and laughed

Taraji POV:

"SERENITY, IVY COME HERE NOW"my husband yelled at the girls

"Why is she coming ?" He asked me referring to the text my son sent saying his mom decided to come

"Yes MAMA" serenity said addressing me and not her step dad "I was the one who called you" he stood up "and I'm not speaking to you fuck nigga"

"Serenity" Ivy gave her a side eye and she took a breath "what happened mama" Ivy asked

"Your mother says she's coming here , why?" Ivy shrugged her shoulders "because I asked her too im tired of living her im moving back to Texas with her" that made me stand up "What? Why? When?"

"Listen mama I love you but I can't do this shit no more and I refuse to raise my daughter and son here no ma'am" she left and went upstairs Ivy looked just as lost as me

"What do she mean here Ivy?"-"look ma even if i could tell you I wouldn't and I'm going with mommy too but only for a couple of months" she left as well "well then I want Draco why are they leaving me" I look at my husband and he rolled her eyes "let them go we to old for this shit anyways" -"but she's leaving with my grand children no I can't"


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠

𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐚 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

We made it last night but we decided to stay a hotel because Draco knew his mama wouldn't let me stay there

"Baby ? Let's go get your sisters so we can go home I hate New York" he laughed as he got up "you hate it cause mama lives here wanna know how I know ?" -"how ?"I smirked because he's like Taraji can read people like a book "cause mama you've travel the world and the only place you haven't visited is New York you literally went to Australia but not New York" he wasn't lying but it annoyed me "boy go brush your teeth" he laughed

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