Ion Wanna Hear it

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Both of my moms came back last night with attitudes I could tell they had a conversation that neither one of them liked

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Both of my moms came back last night with attitudes I could tell they had a conversation that neither one of them liked

"Ma please can y'all act like y'all love each? Damn I would give anything for y'all to love one another again" my mom sat on my bed and looked at Taraji "I never stop loving her just not in love anymore but anyways let me hold my grand baby" I handed her my son

Ivy had my daughter "names yet ? You know they only give a you a day or two?" My mama once again reminded me "ma I know okay ? I just don't want to give them the wrong name like this is what they'll be called for the rest of their lives"

Draco stood up "serenity it will be fine my name is literally Draco like a damn vampire but I grew into it" I just nodded my doctor came in again

"Hey dr. Smith I still haven't got the names" she nodded and sat in a chair "that's not what I'm here for" she looked nervous my mama put the kids in their crib and sat near me . My siblings stood up

"What ? Whats wrong" I asked my mommy turned around and faced her as well now my entire family was staring at her "okay I am trying to find the best approach because I don't want to come off as rude or judgmental" my mommy stood up

"What?"-"okay your twins passed all of their tests right, but when it came to the blood test they have different results."

I was confused "okay ? And is that bad?" My mama turned around "twins usually have the same blood type hence them having the same dna right ?" -"correct" the doctor stood up

"Monozygotic also known as identical twins will have the same blood type, with a few very rare exceptions. Dizygotic also know as fraternal twins may have the same blood type, or they may have different types now it's concerning because your blood is O positive and that's what your daughter is now your son he has AB" I am still confused "miss smith ? I am still very confused what's is the problem?"

"Your kids have  blood types that are totally different, because your daughter is O positive like you your son should be as well or at least O negative but he is the rarest blood type.."

"Your confusing me more" all this blood type shit she just needs to tell me what's concerning her
"It is a possibility that your twins have two fathers" i sat up "now how in the hell would that be possible?" My mama asked

"Yeah that is stupid" Draco put his two cents in " okay look here's a example if my father was B positive and my mom was A positive and I was I was O positive and my sister was type B there is no way her father is my father because it don't mix" I still wasn't getting it

"Ugh fine your twins have a condition called heteropaternal superfecundation it means they have two different fathers" I felt my world spin "how in the hell is that possible?" My sister said looking at me then the doctor

"It is so rare only 2.4 percent of twins have different that will only happen if you had sex with two dudes in the same time frame"-"get out" she stood up "im sorr-" -" GET OUT EVERYONE NOW GO GET OUT"

Everyone up and left I stood over my babies "I'm so sorry" i couldn't believe this shit now that's means I have two baby fathers that don't want shit to do with me

I laid in my bed and cried my sleep to sleep .

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