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I woke up with a raging headache, and a pain that was unbearable in my hips

"ughhhh shit" I said holding my sides, I opened my eyes and realized I'm in the hospital the last thing I remember is crying

I looked to my right and seen tasia praying to God with headphones in so she didn't realize that I woke up

"tasia" I said tapping her making her jump

"TARAJI" she hugged me so tight with tears in her eyes

"why am I in the hospital" I ask with confusion on my face

"you were in a head on collision after our argument , you was in a coma for 4 days"

"wait what" I said shaking my head looking at my body realizing my arm is in a cast

"wtf happened to me tasia ?"

"You um , you broke your arm , had a concussion, and a fractured hip you wasn't supposed to make Taraji" she said crying harder

"what do you mean, im really confused now" I said wiping her tears

"you hit a fucking semi truck, but somehow you hit it at the right angle but if it was any other way you wouldn't be here right now" she said crying again

"ion even remember half of what your saying , I only remember having a panic attack after leaving you and hearing a boom and that's it" I said sitting up

"can you stop crying" I asked her softly "im fine but did someone check on my babies" ?

"i did their fine , can you be worried about yourself for once Taraji" tasia said holding my hands tight

"ion know how to do that , my whole life has been taking care of everyone else besides me"

"well can you try cause it's worrying me for real "

"okay" , I couldn't believe have of what's been said to me , I have like hundreds of missed calls and messages from my mom and sister but all i could thing about is our argument

"tasia" I said weakly

"yes , what happened" she jumped up to see what's wrong

"Can you lay with me" I asked with tears forming

"you sure we jus-" I cut her off
"please tasia I don't care about that stupid argument anymore your all that matters to me right now"

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