Sleeping LHH (one shot)

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"fuck, that was so amazing" harry said which made you blush like an idiot..........

He pulled out of you and rested his head on your chest, which he always does after you'll both get intense, you loved it alot....... I rubbed his back, calming ourselves down from the rounds which we had today, six was way too much, but who am I kidding i loved it, especially with the man i love........

"Shower" you mumbled, with which you soon regret, you bit your lip, in order to keep yourself from being embarrassed.......

"Wait baby, let me enjoy this feeling" harry said, you chuckled and wrapped your arms around his shoulder keeping him warm and bringing him more to your embrace, you kissed his head which he loved, you knew he was smiling now as you could feel his lips, widening............

"I know your smiling" he became all shy now, and nuzzled more into your chest....

After 10 mins he lifted his head to meet your eyes, you smiled at him and ran your fingers through his curls, he smiled cheekily to you and kissed your swollen lips, yeah even his lips were swollen.........

"Now let's take a shower" you nodded and got up...... Ya'll both take a nice hot water shower, which relaxed your both bodies as they were quite exhausted........

You washed his long curls and massaged his hair, and then he did the same for you......... After that you changed into warm and comfy clothes and so did he.....

You laid on your back, and then he came and laid beside you, he wrapped his arm around and you switched off the light dozing off to sleep with your curly boy...

4:00 am
My eyes were closed and i was fast asleep, when i felt shivers run down my body, am i dreaming, i tried to move my hands but nothing, i was about to fall when i immediately opened my eyes, it was dark, i couldn't see anything, but there was light coming from outside of the window, i seen that i was at the edge of the bed, and harry was sleeping peacefully, i look so small infront of him, he was taking so much place, well this bed was more than enough for us but right now, harry was taking so much place, i tried moving him but failed........... "Haz""psst" i poked him, but nothing, i kissed his cheek, but nothing.......................
"I'm falling""out of the bed""your taking so much space" i tried to move him again "I'm a small person, i don't need that much space, but a little more than this" i spoke so that he could wake up..................
"Stop sleeping", i kept admiring him..........
"Give me some space"...................................
"Or I'm moving to the guest room", i got up but again sat down on the bed, i wouldn't really go to the guest room, leaving this cute baby over here.................
I looked at him in awe, and admired his cute cheeks and his rosy lips, "I'm gonna poke your cheek, it's squishy" i poked it, his cheeks were so soft and yes they were squishy, "cute" i said again.................
I slowly lifted his Ash colour and kissed his chest, he wiggled next to me "I'm poking your nipple now" i poked his nipples and kissed them, they were so cute......
"Yours are wired. You have four just in case you forgot" i poked his other two nipples also, i seen that he was stirring in sleep and started to open his eyes, "your waking up""yayy more place for me" he opened his eyes "baby" he said and pulled me to his chest, i slowly put down his shirt as i didn't want him to feel cold, "baby""mmm""i love you""i love you too haz, even though you didn't give me place to sleep""oh""yeah, i was falling out of the bed" i pouted, he was looking at me, with his tired eye and sleepy eyes......
"Oh baby" he said and i snuggled more into his chest, "I'm sorry i was so exhausted""it's ok haz, i like waking up in the middle of the night""and waking me up also""heeyy" he leaned in down to my face and  kissed my lips passionately, and then we closed our eyes, it was so comfy now like this to be in his arms, i turned to my side and seen that there was so much place left, as we were in the middle of the bed, i pulled away and he opened his eyes "what""why do you pull away""oh ok baby" he kissed me again and we slept like that, our lips attached...
It was so cold, our bodies covered in the thick warm bedsheet and me on my Harry's chest, his embrace keeping me warm... I had a peaceful sleep at night......

 I had a peaceful sleep at night

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