6. present

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Selama beberapa bulan ini Kiana dan Rafael selalu berkomunikasi intens. Kiana tak mau terlalu berharap tetapi rasanya ini seperti sedang pdkt. Bayangkan saja kalau tiap hari diberi kabar oleh Rafael Struick apakah tidak baper saudara-saudara.

|Rafael Struick|

•good morning ansara
•how is it

disini udah siang ya•
everything doing okay today•

•i was breakfast right now
•and you actually it's time for tidur siang

ahaha of course•
you are going to practice today?•

•and then at afternoon i will dinner with lino

aaa ikuttt

•no way

(lagi ngambek)•

•i will send picture and voice not from lino okay


•actually i wanna say
•happy birthday ansara, happy sweet seventeen. enjoy your special day okay, everything gonna be alright.

omaygad thank you so much rafa•
you make my birthday hits different•

•i'm feeling happy for that
it's time for sleep

okay i will sleep well•
bay bay rafaa

byee ansara

|Rafael Struick|

send a picture
•hello rafael cousin this is marselino ferdinan•

aaa i miss you marceng•
thank you rafa•

•no problem
•but why you don't say miss me?

i miss you rafa•
but we communicate every day so we don't really miss each other

•but i still miss you
btw tomorrow around 8pm do you have time?

i think i have•

i want to take you to dinner
•you dinner at Indonesian actually and i'm lunch in Den Haag

bisa gitu ya•
i can rafa, it's the new experience for me•



Sekitaran jam 8 kurang Kiana sudah berangkat menuju restoran yang sudah Rafa kirimkan alamatnya. Restoran ini berada di lantai 8 sebuah bangunan gitu, mewah ini soalnya ada waiters yang menyambut dengan suara lemah lembut.

Struick With YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang