Chapter 5: Cry on your shoulders because of it,

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Yes i know i wasn't supposed to update today but this is for rodamix (or however it's spelt) because they asked nicely

«So, let me get this straight.»


«Your Art project partner, Grian-»


«Who is convinced you hate him-»


«Who maybe doesn't hate you-»


«Got you inspired to make a desert garden-»


«That you proceeded to call the promise cactus ring-»


«And when you presented him the idea and name at the end of class-»


«He stuttered and took Mumbo by the arm to drag him out. Running.-»


«And you don't understand why?»


«Scar, look at me. A promise ring.»

But Scar doesn't get it.

«Scar. Scar. A promise ring.»

And Scar gets it.

«Oh wait, isn't that what like, soon to be fiancés give to each other? Like a promise to- OHHH-» Cub looks like he wants to end it all. What gave him a best friend like this-

«Oh. My. God. I'm so dumb! I should've thought about it! Nope, nope.. This isn't the Promise Cactus Ring anymore. This- This is simply the Cactus ring. Nope. No promises.» Okay, maybe Scar seemed a little bit dumb. Or maybe it wasn't that he seemed like one, that he was one. A big idiot.

«Hey- It, could've been worse! Knowing myself, i could've called it's a marriage ring and not notice! Really, it's not my fault if all you guys think about is romance-» He sighs, he knows he's lost a battle. But it's genuinely not his fault. It was like.. The promise ring, the promise of a good life- Since the desert was so sad, then the illusion of a garden made a contrast and- Okay, he'll shut up.

«Let's.. Go ahead and change the subject, shall we. What will you do in the shopping district?» «Mhm, i don't know yet. I'll have to see with Mumbo. Though I know what he wants to do, obviously, Get some money from you because he hasn't stopped ranting about the mechanics of small pistons for the whole class, talking about the pricing and how much work it would be.»

«Oh wait, he's actually doing it? That's amazing- Tell him i could pay up about 2 stacks of diamonds for a stack of mini redstone- Tubbo'll be so happy, dude.» «Talking about Tubbo, I haven't seen him in a while.»

«Wonder why- Actually, i know why. That idiot has been skipping quite a few classes. And, so, he needs to hide in the hallways more than ever to not be caught. That's why, the little gremlin still hasn't gotten caught. He's rambling about something called the federation and egg children- I asked Ranboo, apparently it's about some art project the teacher gave them, and the theme Tubbo and his classmate Fred settled on- Tommy says he's just crazy- And,»

«Okay, okay. Dude. Stop. Relax. I don't care about eggs.» «You should! I can't even cook eggs anymore, he screams something about Perdida and Hope and shit and I'm like, dude.»

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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