The First Part

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Mia Laurier's POV

It was a calm nice morning I guess? Woke up, prayed, brushed my teeth, then went downstairs to get some breakfast because I'm hungry as hell.

As I was going downstairs I noticed my parents and my little sister Olivia were already fully awake. It was only 8am. I got a bowl and poured in some cereal then milk (the correct way) then started eating it (obviously).

As I was eating my mom went back to the kitchen and was starting to do the dishes. She noticed me and smiled softly

"Morning dear" she said.

"Morning" I replied, but I sounded a bit annoyed only because the cereal was already getting soggy..

"Is everything alright? Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed?" She said, then she looked over at me.

"No.." I replied back

"I know. You're upset that you're not using your phone" She suddenly says, in a stern but neutral tone.

"What?? No-"

"I think you are." She sighs "Mia, you don't need to be on your phone ALL day, at your age you should maybe try learning how to drive better, playing more volleyball, hanging out with your friends without me and your dad watching you. Not staying on your phone all day."

I didn't really say anything because I already knew she was going to suggest me to take my sister to the playground to play with her friends.

"How about today, I'll be taking you to that new bakery, Delightful Desserts at around...4pm. You can go over there and bake stuff and maybe make more friends"

I stopped eating my cereal (which was really soggy now...ew) and looked up. "What?? Mom I already have friends" Guess I was wrong about what she would say.

She looked back at me "Well you need more, and besides, baking is fun!" She says in some happy tone. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with baking but..I don't like cleaning up the mess and everything.

And yeah, people claim that baking is therapy and all that it worth the mess?

"But what about the mess?" I said softly

"The people who work there will clean it up" she replied

"And what if the food I bake is bad?"

"I'm sure it won't be"

"But what if it is"

"Then you can give it away, or tell the workers you don't want it"

"And what is everyone is mean?"

"That's not true dear, I've been there before. The workers aren't mean at all"

I realize there's no way to get out of this and I sigh.. "okay, fine"

My mom smiled and she looks very happy for me

(Some time later)

After some time we eventually get there, for some reason I keep thinking about the future and what'll happen, will my besties still be my besties? Will I get a boyfriend? Probably not.

I got there and my sister also wanted to come because she heard of sweets. When she realized she had to work to get them she became mad

"What?! I thought I was going to get sweets for free! Why do I have to work?" She asks madly.

"I told you that you have to bake it, it'll be fun and your big sister is here with you!" Mom replies.

"No! But sissy if you don't like the stuff you make feel free to give it to me" she then leaves with mom and I'm all by myself.

The worker smiles and gives us instructions and lets us choose what we have to bake, I decide to make a cheesecake. After 20 minutes I'm already done and I started tapping the pan in the counter to get rid of the air bubbles then I put it in the oven.

It comes out and it looks amazing, the chef is very proud of me as she says "wow! That looks wonderful! I hope your family is also proud of you as they get to try it out"

"Thanks" I replied, then smiled, but did she really think I was going to share it?

(So um, hey everyone this is my first part of the story, I hope you like it. Interactions others will come in the next part but for now it's just Mia and her family. Here's a few questions and answers:

How old is Mia?: She's 16, and so is her other friends which will be introduced in the next part

How old is Olivia?: She's 8

Is Mia Christian?: Yes, but her parents and sister aren't

(If there's any feedback feel free to give it to me in the comments, I hope you're enjoying so far!)

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