Part 13 - Little Ignorant Lucky....

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It's now time for school. I get ready and it in my lazy girl outfit then I walk out the door

As I go to school everyone is whispering and snickering strangely at me, I walk over to vaniyah and Cheryl and they were laughing but as soon as they saw me they stopped and stared at me

"..hey guys" I said, I sounded distressed, exasperated, and hopeless

They wait a minute before speaking and it was the longest minute of my life

"...hey" vaniyah says sharply

"Oh, hi" Cheryl waves then she looks away from me

It's extremely awkward and I just want to wave but I wonder why they're even acting like this

"Did something happen?" I ask

They both look at me and Cheryl takes a deep breath before she speaks "...yeah, something did happen which is why we don't want to be your friends anymore"

I'm just shocked and upset but I don't show it "what..?"

"You know what you did" vaniyah said

"No I don't or I wouldn't be asking you"

She's about to explain but the principal calls me to his office

I walk over and he looks furious, I notice my parents sitting in 2 chairs and Lillian's parents, and Lillian crying

"Ms Laurier, take a seat, NOW." He says sternly

"Yes sir?" I ask

"So you're not even going to say sorry or anything? Just 'yes sir?' 'YES SIR?' Where's the sorry in that?" He sounds angry

"What are you talking about?" I'm getting annoyed and it's visible "I don't know what happened, I was just getting ready for school then I got here then my friends don't want to be my friends anymore and now all of a sudden you're mad. I don't know what happened so please EXPLAIN."

The principal is taken aback and he gives Lillian a look "this is the girl who hurt you right?"

I look over at Lillian and she gives me n evil girl before faking her act and crying again "y-yes! I-I-I-I-I-I-i-I-I-I-I-I-I w-w-was just s-so scared a-and..." she takes deep breaths before crying again

The principal looks mad at me again and I interrupt him before he can even speak "tell me what I did because I don't understand any of this"

He rolls his eyes "well she showed me your Instagram and how in Sunday morning you've been posting videos of making fun of her and calling her a slut, and you also drowned her dog"

I look shocked "excuse me, that isn't correct at all! On Sunday morning I was at church!"

He shakes his head "I don't believe you and I don't think I will, this is ridiculous and unacceptable"

He looks over to my parents and they both look ashamed of me, I don't know what to do because I really have never done anything like this

"Mia, I'm not sorry to say this but.." the principal starts then his voice trails off. Oh no, I think I already know what's going to happen

"You're suspended for a week. This'll be on your permanent record and if you do something as horrible as this again you're being expelled with no extra chances. This is ruining our school reputation as being a kind and happy school for all and I WON'T tolerate something like this ever again"

At home

I feel like I'm about to die. I can't believe my life went so downhill after one day

I haven't talked with my parents since that happened and I don't know what to do, today both of them are at work so I'll be babysitting Olivia when she comes home from school

I sigh, there's no point in doing homework so I just watch my comfort show and eat ice cream while sobbing

This continues until I get a insta notification. Of vaniyah, Cheryl, and Lillian smiling together at the beach. The trip we were supposed to go on during summer break they did earlier and just left me. They probably used my money for Cheryl as well

I'm about to cry more and I text Maggie, a friend that's in a different school and a different city:

Maggie: You finally answered!

Mia: Hi

Maggie: r u okay

Mia: yeah

Maggie: so ur just okay after drowning a literal dog and calling your own friend a slut? 😐

Mia: oh my goodness

Mia: I never did that, if you looked at the picture you would see that they're photoshopped really well, and the pool isn't even a pool in my city. If you want to leave me just leave but know that that's false and it ended up getting me in suspension

I stop texting her because she didn't help at all, and as my sister was playing she starting braving and sticking out her tounge at me

"Haha! You got in trouble you got in trouble!" She said, and blew a fat raspberry at me. My aunt just stared at her and took a deep breath

"Olivia don't stay near her or else you'll also get in trouble"

She quickly runs away from me but she stubs her toes and falls to the floor, she starts crying and my aunt goes to help her.

I almost laughed, but stopped when I notice Lizabeth looking over at me. I quickly stop and continue watching the show

A week later

I'm at school again and it seems like the rumors have spread like wildfire, everyone is giving me dirty looks and as I get to my locker, Cheryl "accidentally" opens my locker door and makes me fall

"Hahaha!" Blairey says

Wow. So now she's friends with the girl I hated the most

They walk away and I roll my eyes, I put some stuff in my locker and as I'm about to leave I notice some girl who's right next to my locker, she's looking over at me and I'm confused

"Hey" she says

"....hi" I say back

"I've seen and heard every thing that happened and-"

"And you also think it's true?" I ask annoyed

"No, in fact, i wanted to help you"

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