Part 3 - The party

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Mia's POV

I get home and my mom notices the scars on my face. She looks very worried and so does my dad.

"Mia..." She says, in some concerned tone "What happened to your face??" She asks softly

"Nothing.." I mutter out

"It doesn't look like nothing" My dad says, then he crosses his arms "Did you get scratched by some wild cat?? And why weren't you answering our calls?" He asks

"What calls??"

"I was trying to call you earlier because you forgot your inhaler" My mom says softly, she looked like she was worried for me "I was about to just drive over to give it to you but I was thinking you probably didn't answer because you were playing a practice game" She says

I sigh.

I decide to just tell them about how the volleyball smashes my phone and my face, how my face fell onto some hard rock while I was running, and another volleyball smashing my face.

" poor thing. I'm sure that girl pushed you on accident" My mom says softly.

"It probably was, what kind of miserable human would push someone on hard concrete rock?" My dad says, I know a few people who would..

After some time I prayed then went to sleep

When I woke up again the scars were still on my face. My nose wasn't bleeding anymore but the scars were still on my face. Great. It looked like they would stay there for eternity.

I sighed then went to brush my teeth, I looked over at the mini clock in the bathroom and saw how it was 1pm?! I quickly brushed my teeth faster to finish quicker then rushed downstairs. I noticed Olivia and her friend Chelsea were laughing and playing together, wasn't it Monday??

I was confused when I also saw my cousin Lizabeth, she's the same age as me and goes to my same school. I could swear it was Monday.

-Isn't it a school day??-  I thought, in my head ofc

"Mom what's going on..?" I asked gently, she stopped talking to my aunt and looked over them smiled at me.

"Oh, you're finally awake" She hugs me tightly then eventually let's go "You're not going to school today and neither is Liza or your sister. No one's going to school today because today's the special royal party!"

Oh right, the Royal party. No one will have work today, anyone 18+ gets a $500 bonus tomorrow because they didn't work. Kids/teens don't go to school, and everyone is expected to dress nicely and have a good party at the king's castle.

"Oh, right" I said softly.

"Do you even have any good dresses?" My mom asks, then her and my aunt stares at me.

"" I said, none of my dresses fit me anymore

"Well then, maybe you can borrow a dress from Lizabeth"

I was leaving the kitchen it as soon as she said that I turned back around, Lizabeth stared at me and I stared at her. We both dress differently. I tend to dress differently. She dresses more classy, preppy and coquette like while I dress 90s,2000s like.

"Um.." I said

"What?" My mom is confused and so is my aunt

"I'm sure Lizabeth has a good dress you can try" My aunt says.

"Can we just go shopping for dresses at the store"

"...Okay..fine. But I'm going with you so that you don't get anything inappropriate for your age" My mom says sternly.

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