Part 11 - Uh oh

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Mia Laurier

So right now I'm at the public city library with my friends looking for books that can help us on our history project

"So, since our topic is the renaissance, I think we should look for European based books that are in the 1400-1500s" Cheryl said

"Okay, smartass" Lillian blurts out

we end up finding 5 books and most of us are taking notes, Lillian is filing her nails and calling her boyfriend, she's being very loud which is causing the attention to draw to us and the librarian kicks us out

"But not all of us spoke!" Vaniyah complained

"Too bad so sad" the Librarian then slams the door and we sigh but all stare at Lillian

" you have any libraries we can go to?" Vaniyah asked

"What?? No" Lillian said, then she scoffed "let's just go home"

"Um no, we need to work on the project-"

"Girl shut up, we already have all the notes and details, we just need to draw pictures and stuff on the poster board" Lillian rudely interrupted me

"Okay..." I rolled my eyes and we all went our different ways home.

As I'm walking home I decide I want to hang out with Lucas, so I call him and he agrees

We go to this cute little local cafe, and I order a milkshake while he orders a cheesecake, we finish, he pays, and we leave

"So how has your day been going?" He asks gently

"Alright..." I said, but I sounded upset. He noticed

"Is everything really alright?" He asks softly

"Ugh, no...I think 1 of my friends hate me"

"Oh, that's sad I guess"

Liam's POV

So right now I skipped another Prince training practice to hang out with her and it's great, I don't mind paying for our food because 9 dollars is nothing to me, and we walk down the sidewalk

She explains to me how her friend named Lillian is hating on her for no reason

"Like, no reason at all! I didn't do anything" she said softly

"Oh..well maybe she doesn't want to be your friend anymore and she hates you"

She quickly put her head back up and stared at me, her lips quivered and she looked like she wanted to cry

I was confused, because from the way she described her she probably did hate her, no?

"I guess you're right..but why....? She's been my friend since 3rd grade and we've never had a problem before..."

She sighs and I sigh because I don't know what to do, but then I remember the special surprise I'm planning for her

"I'm sure it'll be fine..eventually" I said "off topic, but are there any days you're free or anything"

She looks confused from the question but she answers "well, I'm free next tomorrow at 4 during Monday"

"Great" I said

2 days later

So I planned a nice simple restaurant at this Cheesecake Factory area for her, made the reservations and everything and even told the employees to get her a special pink chair, her favorite color

I texted her to dress nicely and she texted "ok??" I think she was confused, but she looked surprised when she saw me driving in my 2nd car, it looked a lot shinier and more expensive, then I opened the door for her and we drove over to the Cheesecake Factory

I opened the door for her and she looked shocked and so happy, when we were near our seats she hugged me "This is my favorite restaurant! How'd you know?"

I just smiled, I actually didn't know

She smiled even more when she saw the special pink chair and kissed me, we ate food then I took her over to a small flower valley, where only me (and Felix) knew about

It was filled with roses, daffodils, dandelions, etc. she was amazed

"Wow..." She said gently, and she picked up a dandelion then made a wish and blew it.

She was about to say something else until someone interrupted....Right before she could speak Felix pushed his head out of the tree he was hiding in and smiled

He was upside down, and looked happy, not knowing that I was speaking to someone.

"Oh!! Liam! What're you doing here?" He asked happily, my girlfriend looks confused

"Felix go!" I whisper yell at him but he doesn't get the hint and he continues

" Liam, who's this girl? Is she one of your fans that you're eventually going to betray and leave again?" He asked, I look over at her and she's shocked and upset


"And don't you have Prince trainings today? Why aren't you training in the castle with your dad, the king?"

At this point Mia is completely confused and baffled "what are you talking about? His name isnt Liam, it's LUCAS, and he's not the prince" she says to Felix, I don't know what to do

Felix looks over at me and raises an eyebrow, Mia is even more confused now "..Babe what's going on..?" She asked gently

"...well..." I sigh, I realize I have to confess now

"Um, there's something I need to tell you"

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