Part 14 - A plan

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" want to help me?" I ask

"Yeah" she replies

She brings out her phone "you see, this girl that made up the rumors about you has been bullying me since childhood and basically ruined mine, she also threatened to hurt and family and told me to go back to my country multiple times"

She shows me pictures/videos of Lillian mocking her, acting racist towards her, and sending her death and even r@pe threats

"So you drowning her dog and calling her a slut was basically nothing—compared to what she did, at least"

"Oh my goodness?!" I said, shocked as I saw the pictures

"Yeah..." she replied, looking upset but sounding annoyed

We continue walking over, I learn that her names Violet and she's from the Dominican Republic, she's in the same grade as me and she seems to be the only one I can trust right now

"So what's your class schedule?" I ask

"Well I have English first, then science, math, biology, art, and PE"

"I have the exact same schedule! I don't know how I never noticed you"

"Not many people notice me, so it's fine I guess"

We end up talking and I meet her other friend Lisa. They sit outside the school so I sat with them

"Did Violet ever tell you that she used to have a pet turtle?" Lisa asked

"No. She didn't" I replied, as I was eating my salad

As we were talking I basically explained everything about Lillian

"It's really odd because we've been friends since childhood and now she doesn't event like me anymore when I never did anything wrong"

"Oh, that's strange" Lisa replied

"She's probably jealous of you" Violet added in

"Maybe...I don't think she is because she's richer and prettier than me, so it's probably just pure hate"


The bell rang and it was time for 5th period, and eventually school ended again

As I was walking to my car i bumped into someone, the someone being Cheryl and her new friends, which are blairey and Sabrina. Cheryl notices me and she glares at me

"What do YOU want?" She asks rudely, then crosses her arms

"Nothing, well nothing with you at least." I said softly "I didn't mean to bump into you, sorry"

"Sorry is just a WORD." Sabrina blurts out. I think she needs to go to a doctor and find ways she doesn't just blurt out stuff "you better get in your damn knees and BEG for forgiveness"

I just stare at her weirdly then blairey snickers "haha, what a bitch you are Mia. I thought I was cruel but I could NEVER drown a dog"

Cheryl swoops her hair at me, causing it to smack my face, they burst out laughing after then they walk away. I start walking home and as I'm walking I notice Lillian and Vaniyah and asking together, there a few feet in front of me so I freeze

They both looked back and saw me. Vaniyah stared at me and Lillian gave me a nasty snare "so you're so obsessed that you're literally stalking us now?" She asks, aggravated

"No, this is also how I walk home..." I said gently, I was about to just use google maps and find a different way to walk until I noticed Lillian laughing

"Omg! Imagine having an iPhone 6! In this year? No wonder your phone broke so easily when someone smashed it"

"No...this is my old phone and my former phone was an iPhone 11-"

"Just save it Mia. I don't know why we're even friends with you if you cant afford good clothes or a good phone, you look like you can't even afford yourself with this shopping bag jeans and hobo t shirt"

"...these are baggy jeans and the tshirt is only a bit bigger than me size-"

"Which is probably a xxxxl. Just save it Mia. You'll never be a pretty, smart, or as rich as us"

She quickly turns her head, making her phony tail smack my face. I sigh and I just walk away

The next day

I'm at school again, and both Violet and Lisa are absent so I have to spend this whole myself...

In English class I notice our teacher looking very excited, I'm just fidgeting with my mechanical pencil until the teacher claps her hands for everyone to stop talking

"Alright class! I'm in a good mood so DON'T make me angry." She said, in a cringey tone

"Today......" she makes some drumroll "we're going to be writing POEMS! With all our poetry lessons we've been doing you guys should know a bit about poems. It has to be at least 2 sections and it must have an interesting, unusual word in it. Any questions?"

No one asks anything

"Then get started!! You have a week to complete!" She says in some sing-song tone

I grab a paper and I try to write, but I notice how everyone is talking so loudly that I can't concentrate properly. I'm about to get out of my seat to ask the teacher if she can tell the class to be quiet but she quickly claps her hands again

"Class! Be quiet! There's other classes that may be testing, reading silently, or doing exams, so SHUT UP!"

Everyone quickly stops yelling and now whispering. I can concentrate better so I start writing my poem

Friends. Mia Laurier

Young, old, tall, and short
Friends come in different sorts
Making you laugh, making you feel good
Some even since childhood

Happy, sad, glad, or mad
They help most times—more than a tad
Real or fake, they make a change
Something you may have never had

Amazing and as great as cake
There not always easy to make
But when you find really good ones
They'll help you in many tons

I think I'll continue tomorrow. Besides, we have a week which is a good amount of time

I'm now at lunch with Violet and Lisa and we're thinking of a plan to get revenge on Lillian

"How about...we work at the school newspaper and create a whole collage of pictures of what Lillian did to us?" Lisa mentioned

"That sounds great" I said softly

So we went over to the newspaper editing area and we decided that we wanted to work here. We went up to Mr Smith, the leader of the team and asked him if we can work with them

He stared at us and raised an eyebrow "I don't like bad kids working with my newspaper editing" he said, then stared at me

I rolled my eyes "you guys can do it without me" I said softly, then as I was leaving Lillian shoved me over as she entered, causing me to bump my head...ow

I'm now at the nurse and she's refusing to help me because of what I did, so now I have to just go home early

"So why are you coming home instead of getting some ice pack at school?" My mom asks

"The nurse didn't want to help me" I said gently, she looked annoyed

"That's probably because of the terrible things you did, calling your friend and horrible word was bad but drowning and killing her dog?! Mia that was really bad"

"I didn't actually do that!" I'm starting to get angry that literally no one is believing me

"That picture definitely isn't photoshopped! It's clearly edited and there's clear proof that YOU did that. I'm very disappointed in you Mia" she says sternly. Were already home so I get out of the car

"Fine, go ahead and believe that little rat over your own DAUGHTER!" I yell at her then quickly enter the house

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