Part 12 - 👀

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I wait for Lucas to speak, he's clearly hiding something and I don't know why, I cross my arms a take a deep breath then put my hand on his shoulder

"Liam, it's fine, you can tell me" I said, then smiled

He took a deep breath again "it's really complicated...but okay..."

"Mia, I'm the prince"


I'm speechless and shocked but I look over at the Felix guy (who's still hanging on a tree and Lucas again) and I have a stern look on my face

"That joke isn't funny Lucas" I said

He sighed "it's not a joke...I'm actually the prince"

"No you're not, the prince's name is Liam, not Lucas, and the prince would've been in the castle at this time" it's 7pm already

"Well I snuck out to see you..."

I felt my heart melt a bit. If he really is the prince then he's been ditching those training sessions to see me?

But again, this might still be a prank...

He notices how I look and he brings out a small pendant in his pocket, it's a pear shaped gem that only the royal family owns

My heart drops. He really is the prince


"Do you believe me now..?"

I nod my head, and hug him. He hugs me back and we continue sitting down in the flower valley until that guy interrupts us

"Ew!" Felix suddenly shouts. Lucas—I mean Liam gives him a look and he quickly hides away.

After a few more seconds he removes the disguise he had on and he's definitely the prince

He walks me home again, there barely anyone around at this time but i notice some random person walking by. They quickly stop when they notice Liam (aka, the Prince), carry me and walking instead of being in the castle

(Random reminder that Liam is no longer wearing the disguise so basically anyone could tell he's the prince)

"T-t-the-the-t-th.." the person starts stuttering badly and we're both shocked because Liam just got caught

"Ma'am everything will be fine, whatever you do, do not yell-"

"THE PRINCE! PRINCE LIAM IS IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD!!" The person shouts out, many people open their doors and their windows and they realize he's here. After a second people start running towards us.

We run away, people are taking pictures, shouting, and even asking for autographs

"Wait, who's that girl he's with?" Another random guy asks

People realize that I'm dating him and there's now paparazzi taking pictures

Even military helicopters are asking for autographs and pictures and everything.

We eventually hide and we're both tired and exhausted from running. We think we were safe, but a royal guard somehow finds Liam

We both look at each other. Uh oh...

It's now 8pm and the paparazzi was forced to stop, we're both standing right in front of the king and queen, and the baby sister

"So is anything you want to explain for yourself Liam?" The queen asks

He doesn't say anything and they both shake their heads

"So you've been missing training to meet with this random girl?" The king asks

"She's not a random girl, she's actually-"

"Your first ever ex" the king interrupts

We both look at eachother and we look upset, the king sighs and he speaks again

"Liam, you're supposed to be dating princess Gertrudia of the Beathen kingdom." As soon as his mom said that he looked annoyed and upset

"Mom what?? No! That girl is a complete pig, I don't like her at all!!" He says

"Well that's too bad, your marrying her wether you like it or not" his mom says "in fact , we're going to invite her tomorrow to come over and visit"

He looks very annoyed now. His parents notice "since you live this girl soo much, she can come, BUT you're no longer dating her"

He rolls his eyes

I'm now at home and it's 8:37. We're eating dinner late and its silent until Olivia breaks the silence

"So how does it feel like to be a princess MIA?" She asks madly, then she huffs and crosses her arms

I just stare at her "...I'm not a princess"

"But you dated the prince"

"That doesn't mean I'm a princess and we're not even dating anymore"

Everyone quickly stops eating their food and looks up. "Oh...Mia I'm sorry" My mom says, technically apologizing for Olivia

I sigh "it's fine..."

I don't even feel hungry anymore so I just get up, put my remaining food in the fridge and I start walking upstairs.

"Hey, where are you going?" My dad asks


I enter my room and slam the door too hardly then I enter my bed and i start crying

I won't be able to date Liam again...he was literally perfect and amazing and now I won't even be able to see him...well I'll see him on tv and magazines and stuff but it's not the same...

Liam's POV

Ugh...I fucked up really bad. And it's all that bastard Felix's fault. Why did he have to be so specific with everything he said??

I'm in my room now and I can't believe I won't be able to date Mia again...she was literally perfect and amazing and now I won't even be able to see her, sure I may see her in crowds and stuff but it's not the same

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