Part 15 - Im done

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I'm sick and tired of everything, for the past month i've gotten some extra detentions, mockings from random people, and 189 death threats (yes, I counted them). 130 from my ex friends, 20 from family members (shocker!) and the remaining 39? Random people DMing me. I honestly don't understand how Cheryl and Vaniyah would believe that stinky bitch over their not stinky bitchy friend. Especially cherly considering the fact that she betrayed me and I was the one that helped her get used to the school.

for that one friend, Maggie, it turned out she was just confused at first but now she doesn't even believe me and it's annoying because she's technically nothing without me and it's showing.

Since even my parents don't believe me I'm just rotting in bed, I have another suspension when I didn't do anything wrong and I'm grounded. No phone, laptop, nothing. So now I'm just sitting on my bed wondering what to do, then I think of something.

"Oh Lord, please, please, get me out of this misery I'm dealing with, help my life to get better and..." I start crying and end up continue crying in my pillow. The only thing that's been here for me

"Are you sure we should ground her like this?" I overhear my mom whispering outside my door to my dad

"Positive. I don't know why she's crying when she's not the victim" He says sternly

My mom starts knocking on my door and I'm just still crying, my eyes are already foggy, and my eyes probably hurt from all the crying I'm doing

"GO AWAY!" I yell at them, while crying

They're stunned but they both just leave. I continue crying for so long that it's 8pm. I just brush my teeth then I go to sleep

The next day

The school found out I didn't do anything but they want to kick me out because "I'm ruining their goody-students reputation" if embarrassments like Blairey and Sabrina haven't been at the school

So now i'm not in school and I won't be able to graduate, meaning I won't be able to have my dream job as a biologist either, lovely

It's now thrusday and i've only got out of my room thrice to get food, as I was getting my food again while everyone else was eating dinner i overheard my sister

"Mommy I want to go like mia!!" She said, in some complaining tone

"Mia's in trouble dear, that's why she isn't here eating with us" my mom says, then she turns and gives me a look of disappointment

"In trouble for something I didn't even do" I whisper

"What was that?" My dad asks

I ignore them and continue walking upstairs but my mom speaks again

"Mia what was that?" She asks, sounding irritated

"I'm in trouble for something I didn't do! No one believes me, not even you guys who are my parents!!" I yell at them, they're getting annoying

I then leave and they're stunned, as they should be. If anything, they should be completely embarrassed of themselves, sure, the evidence proved I hurt her cat, and everything made it seem like it was true--too true. Of course no one will believe me.


Life has been very long and boring ever since I stopped dating her. Shes so much better than ignorant annoying Gertude, Gertru, whatever. I forgot her name

I've been resting for the past time so I just decided to go on my phone. And the 1st thing i see is news about some girl calling another girl a slut and drowning her dog?? what?

I click on the photo and it's true. Apparently a Lillian girl has been called a slut and lost her dog from...Mia?! No way. She did NOT do that

I quickly get up from my bed and I put on my disguise. I'm going to go to this girl's school

Hey everyone

Yes I'm aware this part was insanely short but It'll get longer in the next parts.

If I make next parts.

I might quit doing this story because I'm not really liking it anymore and i'm working on another story, "April Tools" and "Life with the Perfects".

I'll be leaving this up for a month, You guys can tell me if I should quit it or continue making parts, and even give me ideas for the plot because I don't know what else to do


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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