Part 8 and 9 - What's going on??

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I eventually get home and as I'm eating dinner I can't stop thinking about what Lillian said and did, I look upset and everyone can notice

"Are you okay Mia?" My sister asks

"I'm fine"

"You don't look fine, you look angry, like a scary alpha wolf!" She screams out, and she's so scared that's she's about to cry


"Mia, did something happen at school?" My mom asks gently

"No, nothing happened. I'm just...stressed out from homework"

"Oh, you poor thing. Too bad" my mom says, then she shrugs it off. I fell guilty for lying but I'm not telling her about my friend flipping me off

Dinner is over and I go to my room to pray "Lord, may you please help my friends to stay as my friends, in Jesus name"

After the small prayer I go back downstairs and grab some goldfish then I start using my phone, the first thing I notice is some kind of picture I check the and it has a warning saying it might be explicit towards some users

I skip the warning and notice the picture, it's me, and some random boy I don't even know, I'm completely naked, and I'm sucking.....

I'm shocked and spit out my water onto my dad, causing my dad to look up and raise an eyebrow "did something happen?" He walks up to me and tries to check my phone but I already took off that disgusting picture

"No" I lied, then smiled. Then he crossed his arms

"I don't believe you, why would you just spit your water on me?"

He suddenly grabs my phone and he looks through my Instagram, I'm shaking and hoping he doesn't find the picture but he smiles

"Oh, you must've been shocked from this silly minion cat picture" he says then laughs it off "it's alright dear, but you're cleaning up the mess" he gives me some paper towels then leaves

I sigh in relief then I report the photo, I try to figure out who even made this picture but It's a random user

It's probably Blairey or even Sabrina

I just roll my eyes and I hope the picture is gone

Another school day, yay...

I take a short simple shower, very short, because I decided to wash my hair, and it was a terrible idea, it took forever to dry and when I checked the time it seemed like I wouldn't be able to even eat breakfast

"MIA! It's 7:50!" My mom shouts for me to come downstairs

"I'm coming!" I quickly put on some leggings and an off shoulder sweatshirt then my slipper uggs with white socks and grab my backpack then run downstairs into the car

"Wow Mia, you're so late!" Olivia yells at me, I just roll my eyes at her

"Shut up"

"Let's not argue first thing in the morning girls" my mom says in some soft warning tone

My mom drops me off and I notice vaniyah (and Lillian..) and smile at them

"Hey guys.." I said gently

"Hey, did you forget it's Tuesday or something?" Vaniyah asks

"Oh." I remember, on Tuesdays we prepare and try to help each other with school work early at 7:20

"Yeah, you're such a fake friend Mia, I can't believe we're friends with you" Lillian mentions, I'm taken back and so is vaniyah

"It was really an accident, I simply forgot" I said gently

"Well we don't just forget in this friend group" Lillian explains, I really don't get why she's acting like this??

I just sigh and we all walk to different classes as the bell rings. It's eventually lunch again and I'm talking with everyone, or at least trying to talk with everyone

"So-" I wanted to speak but Lillian just interrupted me

"Oh my gosh Mia can you like, stop talking for a second? All the time you're fucking yapping and you really need to shut up"

I'm really taken aback now and even a bit hurt, I rarely talk, vaniyah and even their boyfriends are a bit shocked from what she said

"Lillian she barely talks." Vaniyah says, she getting fed up with Lillian's sudden attitude

"Well she should keep it that way" she says harshly, then kisses her boyfriend

School ends and Im walking home by myself this time, as I walking I don't realize but there's some old man following me

I stop to use google maps to find my location but all of a sudden the man following slaps my butt

I'm taken aback and I look behind and I notice him, he smiles creepily then asks "hey little girl, do you know where the pawn shop is?"

"" I said softly, I slowly walk away but he grabs me "that was a trick question" he seems to be getting angry

I'm scared

He's about to slow me again but I run off, and try to run but my backpack is making it hard and I quickly lose my breath. I try dialing the police but he's already near. Right before he slaps me though, someone punches the back of his head so hardly that he faints. I look up and notice Lucas, me new boyfriend

"...." I'm speechless but still terrified from what just happened. He kneels down in front of me as I'm sitting

"Are you okay..?" He asks softly

"..I'm okay now...." I said, he helped me get up and even carried me through my way walking home

He managed to find my home and he kissed my cheek "stay safe, okay?"

"Okay." I said gently, and kissed him then he left

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