The Second part

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Mia's POV

After I finished the cheesecake they put it in a box for me and my mom came to pick me up.

As I entered the car Olivia's mouth was already watering, she looked desperate to eat the food I made

"So when can we eat it?" She asked excitedly

"You can't, I'm eating it all by myself" I replied, her smile faded and she looked very upset

"Mia..." My mom entered the conversation "You are NOT eating that by yourself! That's way too much sugar and I don't want you to end up like your dad!" She said softly but in a way that shows she really cares for me and wants me to be well.

I remember what happened, my dad accidentally got a chocolate that had 10 grams of sugar per 5 pieces, after eating it he felt strange and was sent to the hospital, it turned out that chocolate had 100 grams of sugar per 5 pieces. My mom sued the company but he now has diabetes, sadly.

"Mom..I won't eat it in one setting. And I only put half a cup in this cheesecake"

"Well I don't care. You are going to SHARE whether you like it or not"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. We got home and I ate the cheesecake (so did my sister). It was already 10pm so there was no point in texting my friends, Vaniyah, and Lillian. Because they're already asleep.

I remember Vaniyah saying that her parents let her sleep anytime she wants as long as it's not past 11pm. Lucky, and Lillian said that her parents don't care whatever time she sleeps as long as she's fully awake and energized by tomorrow. They have less stricter parents than me. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents but they can be a bit of a struggle. They're honestly so pretty and I love them to death but I wish I had their lifestyle. They're so much richer, prettier, and better than me in general I honestly wonder why I'm their friend. They also have boyfriends yet and lost their first kiss already. No, they didn't lose their virginity if you're wondering (and if you're not then sorry I mentioned), but they're just lucky. I haven't even got a kiss from someone who's not my parents (or my dog that licks my face but thinks it's a kiss).

I wonder if I'll ever get a boyfriend. I hope I do, and I hope he's a loyal, decent looking, happy, friendly, and especially a man of God. Not those weird ass boys that act like "gangsters" and think they're so cool saggin to where their underwear is visible. Just no.

After some time I brush my teeth then pray to God again then fall asleep. I'm tired

The next day I wake up then get ready for church, I love church

My mom just drops me off and I go my own way. My parents aren't religious so they find it a bit weird when I talk to them about how I love Jesus (as a best friend) and how I "spend too much time" reading my Bible.

After some time the mass ends and my mom picks me up. We walk over to the donut shop and buy some donuts. At around 2pm I'm getting ready to go to volleyball practice with my friends

I get over and I notice them, they're both with their boyfriends. I don't really know what to do next so I just stand there because it might be awkward if I walk over so I pretend to not notice them and just use my phone. I eventually sit on one of the benches with my sports bag but all of a sudden...right before I put my phone in the air to take a selfie one of the volleyballs smash my phone and my face!

I'm stunned from the sudden action and I blink quickly a few times until someone comes running towards me to get the ball

The person grabs the ball and they run away, completely unaware that the ball hit my face and broke my phone to pieces. I'm obviously annoyed because wtf? I grab the pieces of my phone and put them in my bag until I notice 2 girls right in front of me snickering

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