Part 6

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Liam's POV

It's 4pm right now and I'm honestly bored as fuck, so bored to the point I actually want to do those prince lessons I'm given.

I'm about to just go back to that hill until I remember the girl, Mia, maybe I can hang out with her more?

I'm about to just go back to that hill until I remember the girl, Mia, maybe I can hang out with her more?

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But really..what's homework? It's probably something normal but since I don't actually go to any school I don't have it.

An hour has now passed and this time I used my car to drive over to her house. I'm in the blonde hair blue eyes disguise and I'm at her house now. I knock on the door expecting her to be there but instead it's her dad? I think it's her dad

He just stares at me and crosses his arms "So you're the guy my daughter is talking about?" He asks

"Um, yeah I guess" I reply

She eventually comes over and she waves goodbye to her dad, we drive over to the cafe and we hang out and chat, we now know each other a lot.

As she's still talking I notice her smile, it's pretty enough to brighten a whole room, and her eyes..oh my goodness. She's beautiful

We eventually talk even in the car and I drive her back home, she soo much happier now and she actually hugs me then we leave. I drive back home to the castle and enter through a secret door.

Mia's POV

Oh my goodness!! I talked to him more and he's amazing, he's definitely the one, and he's definitely not those weird "gangster" boys. He's amazing, everything about him from his head to his shoes.

It was a family dinner today and while everyone was happily chatting and speaking I kept daydreaming. My aunt noticed and she asked what was going on.

I got back into reality and just smiled while shaking my head gently "nothing".

"Let her be Cassie" my mom tells my aunt "She's probably daydreaming about some boy"

"Really?" My aunt asks, happy for me "Do you like him"

"Um yeah, but not in that way-"

"No, you don't like love him" She smiles at me "don't you?"

"Um..." now that I think of it I'm starting to catch a few feeling for him, but who wouldn't with the way he acts and how kind he is.

"...just a little" I admit and my mom and aunt are so happy, they started talking about how they'll help me but my dad just sighs then rolls him eyes.

"We'll help you with your acne, personality, and we can also help you get some new clothes!" My mom says happily and excitedly

"Yes, and we can even help you with more makeup!" My aunt adds in, they seem more excited than I am.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they want to help but am I really in love with this boy? Like really really in love with him?

Probably... I shake the thought off then go to sleep.

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