chapter 18

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When the car pulled into the field, I came out from Carlisle's car, wearing his scarf around me as he used his speed to immediately be beside me.

Taking my hand and wrapping his fingers around mine

I could feel my cheeks turning red as we looked at each other with smiles on our faces, Bella and Edward pulled as well. While me and Carlisle walked to where his family was getting ready

" Lookin good Mommabear! " Emmett greeted me and gave me a soft hug.

I smiled at him as Rose came to me and hugged me as well when she pulled away she examined me for a few seconds before a smirk appeared on her lips

" you look so much happier the last time I saw you. Did something happen between you and Dad?" She teasingly asks.

Causing my entire face to go red as I immediately shushed her.

" hey at least you had a fun time with him! " she protested. Causing me to let out a small groan about why Rose couldn't stop reading me right now

Emmett laughed loudly as Alice ran to me excitedly, and without a blink of a second, her cold body was already pressed in mine

Carlisle pulled me beside Esme whom I had given a hug, she smiled at me and patted my back softly. Turning to Bella as well

"Good, you're both here. We need empires " She says as the others begin heading to their spots

" she thinks we cheat, Emmett says as Jasper chuckled

" I know you cheat. Call them' out when you see them girls " Esme continues as I nod my head.

Alice looked up at the sky with a smirk on her face, thunder cracked in the sky as she looked down at us

" it's time " She announced.

As Rose's baseball hit it, another thunder came.

" only, now I see why you need thunder," Bella says to Esme as everyone watches the scene with their own eyes.

The ball went flying so far through the woods, as Edward ran to catch it.

A smirk formed on my face when I saw how fast he could be.

The moment he had the ball in his hand, he let out a growl and flew it right back. Jasper, on the other hand, prepared himself, twirling his baseball in his hand like it's nothing

" you're out, " Bella says

as Rose glares up at my sister with hatred. I couldn't help but not to chuckle

" babe come on, it's just a game! " we heard Emmett shout from afar as Rose nudged Bella's arm and stood next to me and Carlisle

" Nice moves you got there, " I said, causing a smile to appear on her face. When it was Carlisle's turn

He walked up to me and stole a quick kiss
I couldn't help but not to blush as I pushed him to his spot while he was chuckling because of my reaction

" go and give your best, " I told him. As Carlisle swings his baseball

Alice throws another ball, and he doesn't miss it. He ran to the next spot

Emmett and Edward look up in the sky to watch the ball fly towards them.

The two vampires crashed at each other as another thunder came into the gloomy sky. I came behind Jasper and patted his back when it was his turn.

The game was getting good with each second that passed. Until I noticed Alice's expression like she was seeing something. And I knew it wasn't good.

" Stop! " she shouts worriedly.

I didn't know what happened next, but Rosalie and Jasper rushed beside me as they pulled me back to our trucks, shivers ran down my spine

" What's happening? " I asked quietly, trying to stay calm.

" they were leaving, then they heard us " we heard Alice say as Carlisle rushed to me.

I can see he was also slightly worried but trying to be calm.

" let's go," Edward says and pulls my sister with him, but Esme stops them

" it's too late," she says. As I looked up and met Carlisle's eyes

we both didn't say anything but our eyes were enough to send each other some signals, as I nodded my head

" we'll stay on her side, " Jasper says.

As Carlisle placed a kiss on my forehead and walked away. Rose helped me pull my hair down, the same time Bella did

" Mom, just keep quiet and stay behind us "

I looked at Jasper when it was my first hearing him call me 'mom'. He sent me a small reassuring smile as I didn't say anything but listened to them. The group and I stood together, as Carlisle stood with Esme

We watch as three nomad vampires come. My eyes stared at them, in the middle.

It was a man, wearing an old Victorian suit with black dreads, and on his sides was a woman with long curly red hair wearing a white fur coat, then a guy with blond hair.

" I believe this belongs to you, " The man says, holding the ball in his hand. As I keep my head down. He throws it, but Carlisle catches it

" thank you, " He says. Hearing his voice calmed me a bit

" I am Laurent. And this is Victoria... And James " He introduces as the other two vampires both on his sides didn't cast their eyes off from us. Then James's eyes cast on me.

He looks he was trying to read me, as Jasper pulled me closer next to him. Altho, it didn't much help since the unknown vampire put his focus on me

As their conversation continued. Their voices were slowly beginning to get muffled in my ears.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the two pulled me with them. I glanced worriedly at Bella who looks she was in fear. I thought we were finally settled until a wind blew us

Causing our hair to be smelled by the three vampires.

" you bought a snack," James says

and takes a step forward to me and Bella. I immediately acted to protect her, pulling her behind me as the group growled at them.

" a humans?! " Laurent asks and darted his eyes at me.

I didn't feel fear, but instead, I glared at them. If they lay their hands on me and Bella, I couldn't promise to hold myself back

" the girl is with us. One of them is my mate, if you hurt one of them, you'll face us... I think it's the best if you leave " Carlisle warned.

There was a few seconds that they didn't do anything. Until Laurent surrenders and calls his other two friends

James and I look at each other in eyes, as he growls and pulled himself back with his mate.

Then Carlisle rushed to me, as we all headed back to our tracks.

I could sense a danger was about to begin.

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