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It took every ounce of self-control I had not to do what
I'd said I would do. What she'd asked me to do.

But even though I wanted nothing more than to throw
caution to the wind and say fuck it, I'd give her exactly what
we both craved, I didn't. Yeji was still drunk. Maybe not
as drunk as she'd been half an hour ago, but intoxicated
enough to have compromised judgment.

I had no clue if this was her or the alcohol talking. Hell,
she'd been ready to go home with Kim Minho, and she
hated him.

"That wasn't a promise, princess." My fingers dug into
her skin.

"It sounded like one to me."
Jesus. Temptation was so close I could almost taste it. All I
had to do was reach out and...
What the hell are you thinking, Ryujin? my inner conscience
snarled. She's your client, not to mention a goddamned princess.
Get the hell away from her before you do something you regret
even more than what you're doing now.

It didn't matter she was only my client for two more
weeks. She was still my client, and we'd already shattered
almost every professional boundary tonight.

"This is what I meant," I bit out, unsure who I was more
pissed at, her or me. "You're acting like a different person.
The Yeji I know wouldn't be asking her bodyguard to fuck
her. What the hell is going on with you?"
Her face hardened.

"I didn't sign up for a heart-to-heart, Ms. Shin. Either fuck me, or I'll find someone else who will."
She let out a small yelp when I bent her fully over the
dresser so her body was at a ninety-degree angle and her
cheek pressed against the wood.

I leaned down until I was so close, I heard her every
shallow, panting breath. "Do that," I said. "And you'll be
responsible for a man's slow, bloody death. Is that what you
want, princess?"
Yeji's hands clenched into fists.

"You won't touch me, and you won't let anyone else touch me, either. So tell me, what the hell do you want, Ms. Shin?"
You. My frustration with everything, my whole damn life,
reached a boiling point.

"I want to know why you've been acting like an impulsive teenager instead of a grown-ass woman!"
Yeji was the most levelheaded person I knew. At least,
she had been before her personality transplant.

"Because this is the last chance I have!" she yelled. I had
never, not once in the two years I'd worked with her, heard
her raise her voice, and it shocked me enough I loosened my
hold on her and stepped back. Yeji twisted out of my
grasp and straightened to face me, her chest heaving with
emotion. "I have one week left. One week until..."
Sudden, icy terror gripped me.

"Until what?" I demanded,
bile rising in my throat. "Are you sick?"

"No." Yeji looked away. "I'm not sick. I'm just getting
the one thing most people dream of."
Confusion chased away my brief flash of relief.
"The title of Crown Princess," she clarified. She slumped
against the dresser, her face weary. "Before you say it, I
know. First-world problems and all that. There are people
starving, and I'm complaining about inheriting a throne."
My confusion doubled.

"But Princess Sakura..."

"...Is abdicating. For love." Yeji flashed a humorless
smile. "She had the gall to fall in love with a commoner, and
for that, she has to give up her birthright. Because the law
forbids the monarch of Eldorra to marry anyone not of noble
blood." for fuck's sake. What was this, the seventeenth

"That's bullshit."

"Yes, but it's bullshit we have to follow. Including me,
now that I'm next in line to the throne."
My mouth curled into a small snarl at the thought of her
marrying another man. It was irrational, but nothing about
my reactions was rational when it came to her. Yeji could
wipe away every sense of logic and propriety I had.

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