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MY DRESS POOLED AROUND MY ANKLES, LEAVING ME IN ONLY MY LACE bra and thong. Trembles wracked me-from anticipation or the slight chill in the air, I wasn't sure. Probably a mixture of

Ryujin was silhouetted against the moonlight so I couldn't see her face, but I could feel the heat of her gaze as it raked over me. Dark and possessive like a lover's touch, leaving a trail of delicious goosebumps in its wake.

I wet my lips, dying to touch her, but knowing it was in my best interest not to move until she told me to.

"Bra. Off." Two seconds later, white lace joined green silk on the floor. I reached down to shimmy out of my underwear, but a low growl halted my movements.
"I didn't tell you to do that." Ryujin's eyes lingered on my breasts, and my nipples, already so hard they could cut glass,
pebbled further. "Keep your underwear, gloves, and heels on," she said, still in that deceptively soft tone. "And crawl to me."
My breath gusted out in shock even as my core spasmed at the order. I'd never crawled for anyone in my life-while I was all but naked, no less. Even if I wasn't the future queen, it would be degrading. Humiliating. Depraved.

And I'd never been more turned on. I sank to my hands and knees, shivering again at the feel of the cool wood floor against my bare skin. And I began to crawl. The room wasn't that big, but the anticipation made it seem endless. Halfway across, I glimpsed myself in the full- length mirror mounted on the wall, and my skin burned at the sight.

I still wore the elegant elbow-length gloves that came with my bridesmaid outfit, but when paired with only my
heels and thong, they looked obscene.

My breathing grew choppier. I was so wet my thighs slid against each other, and by the time I reached Ryujin, I was dripping all down my legs.

I stopped at his feet and looked up. I could see her more clearly now, but her expression remained unreadable except for the fire blazing in her eyes.

"Good girl." She fisted my hair with one hand and used the other to unbuckle her pants. Her cock sprung out, thick and hard, the swollen head dripping with pre-cum. God, I needed to taste her. No one had ever turned me on as much as she did. Every word, every touch, every glance. I wanted it all.

I stared at her with pleading eyes. Ryujin hadn't finished nodding before I took her in my mouth, savoring her groans and the way she pulled my hair as I eagerly licked and sucked.

"What would your people say if they could see you now, princess?" she grunted, pushing her cock deeper until it hit the back of my throat. I spluttered, my eyes watering from the sheer size of her. "Crawling and choking on your bodyguard's cock?" I moaned out an unintelligible response. My hand drifted
between my legs, but I didn't make contact before she yanked me up and captured my mouth in a hard, punishing kiss.

She was still angry about Rei. I could taste it on her tongue, feel it in the roughness of her hands as she squeezed my ass.

"You're more than just a bodyguard to me." I needed her to understand that, even amid our lust-drenched haze.

"Yeah, I can get you off, too," Ryujin said caustically. "Bet none of the lily-livered aristocrats out there can fuck you the way you need." I didn't take the bait.

"It's more than that." It was the closest I'd come to voicing what was in my heart. Something vulnerable flickered in Ryujin's eyes, and her touch gentled for a second before her face hardened again.

She spun me around and bent me over the table, pressing her body against mine until every inch of her melded into every inch of me. She lowered her mouth to my ear and tangled one of her hands with mine.

"I want you to know something, princess," she said, her voice a hoarse rasp against my skin. "There's not much in the world I want to claim as mine. I've seen and done too much shit in my life to believe in forever. But you..." She grasped my chin with her free hand. "You belong to me. I don't give a fuck what the law or anyone else says. You are mine. Understand?"

"Yes." I squeezed her hand, my heart and body aching for completely different reasons. Ryujin exhaled a harsh, shuddering breath and pulled back. I was about to protest before she roughly parted my thighs and yanked my underwear down. The ball of anticipation in my stomach coiled tighter.

"There's something else you should know." She dragged two fingers through my wetness before shoving them in my mouth, forcing me to taste my juices. An unbidden moan slipped out at the unfamiliar tang on my tongue. "I don't like it when other people touch what's mine. Especially when it's a date who's not me." I knew I'd been in trouble the minute I said that. "But maybe you need a lesson to drive that point home." Ryujin rubbed her thumb over my swollen clit before her palm landed where her thumb had been.

My body jerked, and a yelp of surprise and pain tore from my throat, but Ryujin's fingers in my mouth muffled the sound.

Her palm landed on my pussy again with a loud slap. And again. And again.

I was shaking, my eyes filled with tears as razor-sharp sensation spiked through me. My entire world had narrowed to the pulsing heat between my legs and the woman who doled out pain and pleasure in equal measure.

"Who does your pussy belong to?" Ryujin removed her fingers from my mouth and squeezed my breast.

"You," I gasped, clutching the edge of the table so hard my knuckles turned white.

"Say it again." Hard. Demanding. Authoritative.

"You! My pussy belongs to you." My voice broke in a sob as sge delivered another stinging slap to my clit.

"That's right. It belongs to me, and don't you ever forget it." Slap. I let out a keening wail, trying to scrabble away and push
back harder against her at the same time. I couldn't tell whether I loved or hated what was happening, only that I was dripping and burning and every scrape of my nipples against the wooden table sent another jolt of heat straight to my throbbing clit. "Are you going to dance with your date again?" Ryujin's voice sounded remarkably even, if tightly controlled. I shook my head, the tears sliding down my cheeks. "Good." Slap. "You are so wet, princess." Slap. "You
should see how pretty and swollen your clit looks right now. Like it's begging for me to spank it harder." SLAP. It was too much. The words, the brutal, filthy punishment, the fact we were doing this just around the corner and down the hall from my family and friends.

I exploded. Hard. Long. Violent. Ears buzzing, knees buckling, showers of lights bursting behind my eyes. I would've fallen to the floor had Ryujin not held me up while the strongest orgasm of my life tore through me like an electric storm, and I had to drop my head and bury my face
in my arm to stifle my screams.

I was still riding out the waves of my mind-shattering release when I felt Ryujin's tongue gently stroke my clit, licking and soothing until the burn faded. Just as I gathered myself together, he stood and slowly pushed her cock inside of me. She withdrew equally slowly, until just the tip remained inside, and paused.

I inhaled, but my first real breath of the night broke into a squeal when she suddenly slammed into me with a vicious thrust. Her fist in my hair kept me in place as he bottomed out with each downward stroke, and the contrast between the gentleness of her entry and the savage fury with which she now fucked me scrambled my senses to the point where I could only hold on to the table for dear life.

In and out. Harder and faster each time until the tingles at the base of my spine came back to life, and I crashed over the
edge again.

"Oh, God, Ryujin."

"That's it, princess." She pressed a kiss to my shoulder, her movements growing jerkier. She was about to come, too. "Such a good girl. Come for me." I did, endlessly and unashamedly, breaking into a million
pieces around her.

And as Ryujin, too, came with a loud groan, I wondered if she knew she owned every one of those pieces-not just of my
body, but also my heart.

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