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in such a good mood in ages, and it took me a minute to
remember why.

Bits and pieces from last night came back to me, slowly at
first, then all at once, and I blushed when I remembered the
filthy things I'd said and done in this very room.
But I couldn't stop smiling.
I need to make bucket lists more often.

I lingered in bed for a while, reluctant to break the
dreamy haze enveloping me, but we were leaving today for
New York and I needed to get up soon.

When I did, I found my travel clothes laid out for me on
the dresser, and I realized the rest of the room was spotless.
No wayward shoes littering the floor, no bikinis hanging
over the chair or makeup scattered over the vanity.
Ryujin must've finished packing for me. I'd crashed so hard
I hadn't even heard her
My suspicions were confirmed when I went down to the
living room, where I found her waiting next to our luggage.
Gone were the casual T-shirts and board shorts she'd worn
the past few days; in their place was her usual all-black
outfit. I felt a small pang in my chest. I missed Vacation
Ryujin already.

"Good morning, Your Highness," she said without looking
up from her phone. "Breakfast is ready in the kitchen. Our
flight is at noon, so we should leave in the next forty-five

My smile faded. Your Highness. Not even a princess.
We'd agreed to keep what happened last night to last
night, but I hadn't expected such a one-eighty so soon. Ryujin
was almost colder now than when we'd first met.

"Thank you." I was so caught off guard I couldn't think of
anything else to say. "For packing and breakfast."

"You're welcome."
My good mood from earlier drained away, but I hid my
disappointment as I ate breakfast alone while Ryujin checked
to make sure everything in the house looked okay before we
left. She saved the kitchen for last, maybe because I was in

"Ms. Shin." It didn't seem right to call her Ryujin, given
the chill hanging between us.

"Yes?" she opened the now-empty fridge and gave it a
cursory scan before closing the door.

"I have a proposition for you."
She tensed, and I couldn't hold back a bitter smile.
"Not that kind of proposition," I said. "And before I say
it, I want you to know, it has nothing to do with...recent
events." I hoped I wasn't making a fool of myself, but if I
was, so be it. If I wanted something, I needed to voice it.
Otherwise, I had no one to blame except myself when I was
wracked with regrets over what-ifs. "You're a good
bodyguard, and I'm already going through enough changes
with Sakura's abdication. I would like someone by my side
who I'm comfortable with during the transition."
Ryujin was so still she resembled a statue.

"If I put in the request, I think the palace would be
amenable to extending your contract until I'm more
comfortable in my new role." I took a deep breath. "It would
mean you'd have to move to Eldorra temporarily, and I
understand if that would be too much. But I wanted to give
you the option. In case you wanted to stay."
I hadn't lied when I'd said it had nothing to do with last
night. The idea had been brewing for weeks, and I'd kept
putting it off. But we were getting down to the wire, and if I
didn't speak up now, it would never happen.
Ryujin finally blinked.

"When do you need an answer by?"
I fought back another wave of disappointment. Of course
She needed to think about it. It was a huge commitment. But
still, I'd thought...

"Within the next week, before your contract officially
She nodded, her expression neutral. "I'll let you know my
answer before the end of the week. Thank you for the
opportunity." Ryujin left the kitchen, and I stared at the spot
where she'd been standing.
That was it.

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