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AFTER MY NIGHT WITH RYUJIN, I KICKED MY PLAN INTO HIGH GEAR AND prayed it worked. I didn't feel too bad about pressuring Yeonjun, but it wasn't smart to alienate all of Parliament. I didn't believe in ruling through fear.

That was how I found myself standing in front of three dozen journalists on Sunday, three days after my rendezvous with Ryujin. We were gathered on the palace's north lawn, and behind the press gaggle, spectators pressed against metal barricades, eager for an in-person glimpse of a royal.

My friends had left that morning. I'd filled them in on my plans, but I'd waited until they were on the plane back to the U.S. before holding the press conference. I didn't want them to have to deal with the craziness that was about to ensue.

They hadn't been happy—they'd wanted to be here for moral support, but this was something I had to do on my own.

"Good afternoon." My voice echoed across the grounds, and the noise quieted. "Thank you for coming on such short notice. I realize it's a Sunday, and there are likely other places you'd rather be right now, like brunch or your bed"— a small ripple of startled laughter. They weren't used to members of the royal family speaking so informally—"so I
appreciate your attendance. But before I take questions, I would like to say a few words about why I brought you here." I looked around at the expectant faces staring back at me.
Thump. Thump. Thump.

Despite my pounding heart, I was
strangely calm. It was like I'd expended so much energy worrying about it beforehand I had none left for the moment

Ryujin was right. This was a huge risk, and Seoyeon nearly had a coronary when she found out about the last-minute press
conference, but I was done playing it safe.

If I wanted something, I had to fight for it, even if meant the possibility of crashing and burning in front of the entire world.

If I wasn't brave enough to stand up for what I wanted, I had no hope of standing up for what the people needed.

"I am a proud citizen of Eldorra. I love this country and the people in it, and I'm honored to serve as your princess. I also hope that when the time comes, I will be a queen you can be proud of." Breathe. You can do this. "However, I'm aware there have been concerns about my desire and suitability to serve since I became crown princess. Those concerns haven't been entirely unfounded." A wave of murmurs greeted my statement, but I pushed forward. "I think I can speak for everyone here when I say none of us could have predicted the events that have led me to where I am today—nine months out from my coronation as the queen of this great country." I took a deep breath. "When I
first found out about my sister Princess Sakura's plans for abdication, I was scared. Scared of taking on a role I'd never expected to have, scared I wouldn't live up to the title and fail my family, my country. But fear is no reason to stay still, and thankfully, I have a wonderful team to guide me through the intricacies required of such an important role. Earlier
this year, I spent three weeks earlier traveling around the country, meeting and getting to know citizens just like you.
How they lived, what concerns kept them up at night..." I continued my speech, talking about not only the tour but
the Citizen Letters program and the agenda items I brought before Parliament before I hit the most important part of my speech. "I've come to realize being queen is not just about representing the country as it is. It's about moving the nation forward and keeping the traditions that make Eldorra such a unique, wonderful place while shedding the ones that
hold it back. That is true of the reforms I've helped push through Parliament. It is also true of traditions binding the Crown to outdated norms and expectations...such as the Royal Marriages Law. Which brings me to my next point." More murmurs, louder this time. I took another, deeper breath. Here we go.  "As you may know, information came to light last month about an alleged relationship between myself and my former bodyguard, Shin Ryujin. Those allegations were officially denied. But I am here today to tell you they are true." The murmurs exploded into a roar. The reporters jumped from their seats, shouting and thrusting their microphones at me.

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