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that the moment I'd set eyes on her, and my prediction was
playing out in real time as I devoured her.

The death of my self-control, my professionalism, and
any sense of self-preservation I had. None of that mattered
when I tasted how sweet she was or felt how perfectly her
curves fit in my palms, like she was tailor-made for me.

Two years of watching and waiting and wishing. It had all
come down to this, and it was even better than I'd imagined.
Yeji's arms wrapped around my neck, her body pliant
beneath mine. She tasted like mint and sugar, and at that
moment, it became my favorite taste in the world.

I pushed her against the side of the pool and tightened my
grip on her hair, my mouth not leaving hers the entire time.
It wasn't a sweet kiss. It was hard, demanding, and possessive, borne out of years of pent-up frustration and tension, but Yeji matched me inch for inch. She tugged on my hair in return, her tongue tangling with mine and her little moans going straight to my cock.

"Is this what you want?" I pinched her nipple through her
bikini top. That fucking bikini. My eyes nearly fell out when
she'd walked past in her get-up earlier, and I was glad she'd
never worn it to the beach. If she had, I'd have to kill every
fucker who laid eyes on her, and there were other things I'd
rather do on vacation...like take my sweet time exploring
every inch of her luscious body. "Hmm?"

"Yes." Yeji arched into my touch. "But more. Please." I groaned. Definitely the death of me. I gave her another hard kiss before I hooked her legs around my waist and carried her out of the pool and up the stairs to her room. For what I had in mind, I needed more
than a pool ledge to work with.

I placed her on the bed, soaking in how beautiful she looked. Wet hair, gleaming skin, face flushed with arousal.
I wanted nothing more than to bury myself inside her so
deep she'd never forget me, but even in my lust-fueled haze,
I knew that wasn't possible.

If we crossed that bridge, I would never let her go, and it
would ruin us both. I didn't give a shit about me. I was
already ruined.
But Yeji? She deserved more than me.
She deserved the world.

"Bucket list number four. Two rules," I said, my words
filled with gravel. "One: if we do this, it stays here. This
room, this night. We don't talk about it again. Got it?"
It was harsh, but it had to be said-for both our sakes.
Otherwise, I could all too easily lose myself in the fantasy of
what could be, and that was more dangerous than any
predator or enemy. Yeji nodded. "Two: no fucking." Confusion crossed her face.

"But you said-"

"There are other ways to make someone come, princess."
I palmed her breast and swept my thumb over her nipple
before taking a small step back. "Now be a good girl and take
off your bikini for me." A small shiver rippled through her body, but she knelt on the bed and did as I asked, untying first her bikini top then her bottoms with agonizing slowness. Jesus Christ. I wasn't a religious man, but if there was ever a time to believe in God, it was now.

Since I couldn't touch her with my hands-not yet-I
caressed her with my eyes. Bold and rough, my gaze
dragging from her full, firm breasts to the sweet pussy
already glistening with her wetness.

"Touch yourself," I ordered. "Let me see what you've
been doing all those nights when you're alone in your

A deep blush bloomed across her body, turning ivory into
rose, and I wanted to trace its path with my tongue. Mark her
with my teeth and touch. Proclaim to the world who she
belonged to, who she should belong to. Me.
My fists clenched at my sides.

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