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Taemin, the Count of Falser, said as he guided me across the dance floor.

"Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself." With his
sandy-colored hair and athletic build, Taemin wasn't hard on
the eyes, but I couldn't summon much enthusiasm beyond
my bland compliment
After weeks of frenzied planning, the night of my big ball
was finally here, and I couldn't be more underwhelmed. My
dance partners had all been duds so far, and I hadn't had a
chance to so much as breathe since I arrived. It'd been dance
after dance, small talk after small talk. I hadn't eaten
anything other than the two strawberries I snuck from the
dessert table between dances, and my heels felt like razor
blades strapped to my feet. Taemin puffed out his chest.

"I do put a lot of effort into my appearance," he said in a
poor attempt at a humble tone.
"Athenberg's top tailor customized my tuxedo, and Eirik-
recently named by Vogue as Europe's top hairstylist-comes
to my house every two weeks for maintenance. I also built a
new gym in my house. Maybe you'll see it one day." He shot
me a cocky smile. "I don't want to brag, but I believe it'll
match anything you have in the palace. Top-of-the-line
cardio machines, DISKUS dumbbell sets made of Grade 303
non-reactive stainless steel..."

My eyes glazed over. Dear God. I would rather listen to my
last dance partner analyze Athenberg's traffic patterns
during rush hour.

My dance with Taemin thankfully ended before he could
expound further on his gym equipment, and I soon found
myself in the arms of my next suitor.

"So." I smiled gaily at Jay, the son of the Earl of
Tremark. He was a few inches shorter than me, and I had a
direct view of his balding spot. I tried not to let it deter me. I
didn't want to be one of those shallow people who only cared
about looks, but it would be easier not to focus on his looks if
he gave me something else to work with. He hadn't looked
me in the eye once since we started dancing. "I hear you're
quite the, er, bird connoisseur."

Jay had built an aviary on his estate, and according to
Chaeryeong, one of his birds famously pooped on Lord
Taehyun's head during the Earl's annual spring ball.
Jay mumbled a reply.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that," I said politely.
Another mumble, accompanied by a crimson flush that
spread all the way to his bald spot.

I did us both a favor and stopped talking. I wondered
who'd forced him to attend tonight and who was having a
worse time-her or me.

I stifled a yawn and looked around the ballroom,
searching for something interesting to hold my attention.
My grandfather held court with a few ministers in the
corner. Chaeryeong hovered near the dessert table, flirting with
a guest I didn't recognize, and Hyunjin snaked through the
crowd, looking like, well, a snake.

I wished my friends were here. I'd video chatted with Minjeong,
Wonyoung, and Chaewon earlier that day, and I missed them so much it hurt. I would much rather spend my birthday eating ice
cream and watching cheesy rom coms than dancing my feet
off with people I didn't even like.

I need a break. Just a small one. Just so I could breathe.

"Apologies," I said so abruptly a surprised Jay
stumbled and nearly knocked the tray out of a passing
server's hand. "I'm...not feeling well. Would you mind if I cut
our dance short? I'm terribly sorry."

"Oh, not at all, Your Highness," he said, his words finally
audible and filled with relief. "I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you." I snuck a peek at Seoyeon. She had her back
turned as she chatted with the society columnist covering
the party, and I slipped out of the ballroom before she saw

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