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Me, the woman who'd avoided most addictive substances all her life-drugs, smoking, alcohol, even sugar, to an extent- had found the one thing I couldn't resist.

Strength, resilience, and light, wrapped up in five feet nine inches of creamy skin and cool composure that hid a heart of fire underneath. But fuck, if she was an addiction, I never wanted to be cured.

"Are you going to paint me like one of your French girls?" Yeji teased, stretching her arms over her head. My cock jumped with interest at the sight of her draped
over the couch, naked, though let's be honest, there were very few things Yeji did that didn't interest my cock.

She had a rare day off after her morning meetings, and we'd spent the entire afternoon in a hotel room on the outskirts of Athenberg. If anyone asked, Yeji was taking a spa day, but in reality, all we'd done was fuck, eat, and fuck some more. It was the closest we'd ever gotten, and that we could get, to a real date.

"Careful with teasing me, princess, unless you want a wart on your portrait," I threatened. She grinned, and the sight hit me like a punch in the gut. I would never tire of her smiles.

Her real smiles, not the ones she showed the public. I'd seen Yeji naked, in fancy gowns, and in lingerie, but she was never more beautiful than when she was herself, stripped of all the pretenses her title forced her to wear.

"You wouldn't." She rolled over and propped her chin on her hands, which rested on the arm of the couch. "You're way too much of a perfectionist about your art."

"We'll see about that." But she was right. I was a perfectionist about my art, and the piece I was working on might be my favorite so far aside from the one of her in
Costa Rica, which had finally broken my artist's block.

"Hmm, let's see. I'll add a third nipple here...a hairy wart there..."

"Stop!" Yeji laughed. "If you're going to give me warts, at least put them somewhere inconspicuous."

"All right. On your belly button it is." This time, I was the one who laughed when she tossed a throw pillow at me.

"Years of grumpiness, and you suddenly have jokes."

"I've always had jokes. I just never told them." I shaded in her hair. It spilled down her back, following the graceful curve of her neck and shoulder. Her lips parted in a small smile, and her eyes sparkled with mischief. I did my best to
make the charcoal sketch realistic, though nothing compared to the real thing.

We fell into a comfortable silence-me sketching, Yeji watching me with a soft, slumberous expression.

I was more relaxed than I'd been in a long time, despite still being on high alert about someone possibly snooping through my guesthouse. I'd upgraded the security system and added hidden cameras that fed directly to a feed I could access on my phone.

Nothing out of the ordinary had
happened yet, so it was a wait-and-see game. For now, I'd enjoy one of the rare moments Yeji and I could spend together without worrying about someone
catching us.

"Do you ever show your art to anyone?" she asked after a while. Sunset crept closer, and the golden late afternoon light bathed her in an otherworldly glow.

"I show it to you."

"Besides me."

"Nope." Not even Yunjin had seen my sketches, though she knew they existed. Min with my old therapist. Yeji lifted her head, her lips parting in surprise.

"So I'm..."

"The first person I showed? Yeah." I focused on finishing my sketch, but I felt the weight of her stare on my face.

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