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AS EXPECTED, PRINCE SAKURA AND CHAEYEON'S WEDDING WAS A madhouse. Half the city's roads were closed, helicopters buzzed overhead capturing aerial footage of the procession, and thousands of people crowded the streets, eager for a glimpse of the fairytale unfolding in real life.

Press flew in from all over the world, breathlessly covering every detail from the length of Chaeyeon's wedding dress train to the star-studded guest list. The only reporters allowed inside the
actual ceremony were those from Eldorra's national newspaper and broadcaster, who'd received exclusive first coverage rights, but that didn't stop the others from fighting for the best view outside the church.

Yeji spent the day running around doing whatever bridesmaids did. While they got ready in the bridal suite, I kept watch in the hall with Chaeyeon's bodyguard Shinyu, who was also an American contractor since Sakura had given up her rights to the Royal Guard when she abdicated.

While Shinyu rambled on about the exploits of his previous client unprofessional as hell, but I wasn't the man's boss—I monitored the surroundings. There was all sorts of potential for a big day like today to go wrong.

Luckily, all seemed quiet, and before long, the door opened and Chaeyeon stepped out, beaming in her fancy white gown and veil. The bridesmaids filed out after her, with Yeji rounding up the rear.

She wore the same pale green dress as the other bridesmaids, but she glowed in a way no one else could. My eyes lingered on the shadow of her cleavage and the way the dress hugged her hips before I dragged them up to her face, where my breath got stuck in my throat. Half the time, I couldn't believe she was real.
Yeji flashed me a secretive smile as she passed by, her gaze sweeping over my suit and tie with appreciation.

"You clean up nice, Ms. Shin," she murmured.

"So do you." I fell into step behind her and lowered my voice until it was barely audible. "Can't wait to tear that
dress off you later, princess." She didn't respond, but I saw enough of her profile to
spot the rosy glow on her cheeks.

I grinned, but my good mood didn't last long, because when we entered the wedding hall, the first person I saw was
Naoi fucking Rei sitting in one of the front pews. Shiny shoes, hair styled, and eyes fixed on Yeji.

I was convinced she was fucking the woman we saw her with at the hotel, but if she didn't stop looking at Yeji like that, I was going to rip her tongue out and choke her to death with it.

I forced myself to focus on the ceremony and not the violent thoughts swarming through my head. It hadn't been included in Seoyeon's instructions, but I assumed murdering a high-ranking guest in the middle of a royal wedding was
frowned upon.

Yeji took her place at the altar while I remained in the side shadows, drinking her in. She stood on the side facing
me, and as Sakura and Chaeyeon recited their vows, she caught my eye and gave me another one of her little smiles, the kind so subtle one would miss it unless they were attuned to her every micro expression.

My shoulders relaxed, and my mouth tipped up in its own ghost of a smile.
A moment just for us, stolen beneath the noses of hundreds of people in Athenberg's grandest church.

After the ceremony ended, everyone drove to the palace's ballroom for the grand first reception. The second, more
intimate evening reception took place at Tolose House, Sakura and Chaeyeon's new residence, which was located only
a ten-minute walk from the palace. Only two hundred of the family's closest friends and relatives received invites, no
press allowed.

It was where the guests really let loose...and where I had to watch Yeji and Rei dance together. One of her hands rested on her lower back, and she smiled at something she said. Jealousy clawed at me, sharp and ruthless.

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