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time alone during the tour. But when we returned to Athenberg a few days later, we managed to sneak in trysts despite my packed schedule.

The guesthouse at midnight, after everyone had gone to sleep. The supply closet on the third floor of the staff quarters during lunch hour. My favorite rooftop above the kitchen.

No place was off-limits. It was risky, dangerous, and out of character for both of us, given how practical we usually were, but we couldn't have stopped if we wanted to. We'd waited too long and needed it too much.

It was a crazy ride that would eventually have to end, and while we never talked about the future, we'd come to a silent agreement to enjoy every second we could.

But, as much as I wanted to spend all my days and nights with Ryujin, I had other responsibilities, and three weeks after my return to Athenberg, I found myself in my grandfather's office, waiting for Yeonjun to finish speaking so I could present my agenda items.

"Let me guess. You have another citizen issue you'd like to bring up. Your Highness," Yeonjun added tightly, no doubt remembering my grandfather was also in the room. I responded with a serene smile.

"Yes. That is what we do, isn't it? Help the citizens of Eldorra?" Yeonjun, Sunoo, Hyunjin, and I sat around Sunoo's desk for the king's weekly meeting with the Speaker.

It was my third such meeting since I returned from my goodwill tour, which had been a smash success. Henrik ran a glowing profile of me in the Eldorran Herald, and my public approval rating shot sky high, nearly rivaling that of my grandfather's.

I personally didn't care much about ratings, but it was one of the most powerful weapons in my arsenal since I didn't hold any actual political power. I also took great pleasure in the fact Yeonjun's rating was nearly twenty points
lower than mine.

"Of course." Yeonjun smoothed down his tie, looking like he'd just sucked on a lemon. "What would you like to discuss?" I'd built on my impulsive decision at Ida's farm and created an official Citizen Letters program by which
Eldorrans could write or email me with their concerns, and I acknowledged every one. The most important ones, I brought to Yeonjun's attention during the weekly meetings. He probably wouldn't do anything about the majority of them, but I had to try.

"It's about the roads in Rykhauver..." I launched into my presentation, ignoring Hyunjin's smirk. I hated that he was
there, but he was still "shadowing" Yeonjun, and since he was second in line to the throne, no one objected to him joining the meetings. It didn't matter.

He would never be King, not if I had
anything to say about it—and, as crown princess, I had plenty to say.

"I'll look into the issue," Yeonjun said. Code for I'm going to pretend this conversation never happened after I leave this room. "Now, Your Majesty, about the tax reform..." Sunoo cast a sympathetic glance in my direction. He refrained from fighting my battles for me because it wouldn't look good if I ran to him for help every time Yeonjun was a jerk, but I—
Oh God. I nearly jumped out of my seat.
Yeonjun paused and gave me a strange look before resuming his speech.

I pressed my thighs together beneath the table as the silent but powerful vibrations resumed between my legs. I'm going to kill her.

Ryujin had ordered me to wear a vibrator all day and I, like an idiot, had agreed. It'd sounded hot, and Ryujin had minute-by-minute breakdown of my day. She'd kept the vibrator off during my meetings, so why—

My eyes fell on the grandfather clock in the corner. Dammit. We were running over. Fifteen minutes over, to be exact. Ryujin probably thought I was out by now.
A bead of sweat formed on my forehead as I tried not to moan, squirm, or do anything that might give me away.

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