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Perhaps I would've succeeded had Yeji been beautiful
and nothing else. Beauty, on its own, meant nothing to me.
My mother had been beautiful, until she wasn't-and I don't
mean physically.

But that was the problem. Yeji wasn't beautiful and
nothing else. She was everything. Warmth, strength,
compassion, humor. I saw it in the way she laughed, in her
empathy as she listened to people's problems and her
composure as they railed to her about everything they
thought was wrong with the country.

I'd known she was more than a pretty face long before
this trip, but something inside me snapped last night. Maybe
it was the way she'd looked at me, like she thought I was
everything too when I was nothing, or maybe it was the
knowledge she could be ripped away from me at any
moment. She could get engaged next week and I would lose
even the possibility of her forever.

Whatever it was, it erased every bit of remaining self-
control I had. Costa Rica had been a crack, but this? This was
full-on obliteration.

The grass rustled as Yeji and I made our way through
the fields toward the gazebo. We'd snuck out after everyone
had gone to sleep, and even though it was late, the moon
shone bright enough we didn't need the lights from our
phones to guide the way.

Was what we were doing-what we were about to do-a
bad idea? Fuck yes. Ours was a story destined for a tragic
ending, but when you were already on a train headed off the
cliff, all you could do was hold on tight and make every
second count.

We stayed silent until we reached the gazebo, where she
walked to the middle and took it all in. Besides the chipped
paint, it'd withstood the test of time surprisingly well.

"No one comes here?" she asked.

"Not a soul." I'd done my research. The town had a small
population, but it sprawled across vast acres of farms. The
inn was the nearest inhabited building, and everyone there
was asleep. I'd made sure of that before I texted Yeji to
meet me in the lobby.

"Good." Her response came out slightly breathless.
Southern Eldorra was far warmer than Athenberg, and we
could get away with not wearing jackets even at night. I'd
donned my usual uniform of T-shirt, combat pants, and
boots, while Yeji wore a purple dress that swirled around
her thighs.

I drank her in, not missing a single detail. The wisps of
hair curling around her face, the nervous anticipation in her
eyes, the way her chest rose and fell in time with my own
uneven breaths.

Part of me wanted to march over, hike up her skirt, and
fuck her right then and there. Another part of me wanted to
savor the moment-the last wild, beating seconds before we
destroyed whatever was left of our boundaries.

I was a rule follower by nature. It was how I'd survived
most of my life. But for Yeji, I would break every rule in
the book.

It only took six weeks of being apart from her and another
six of fucking agony for me to accept the truth, but now that
I had, there was no going back.

"So." Yeji tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her
hand trembling. "Now that we're here, what do you have
planned, Ms. Shin?" I smiled, slow and wicked, and a small,
visible shiver rippled through her body.

"I have lots of plans for you, princess, and every single
one ends with my fingers, tongue, or cock inside your sweet
little cunt."I didn't waste time beating around the bush. This
had been two years in the making, ever since I stepped onto her
driveway and saw her staring back at me with those big, blue

Hwang Yeji was mine and mine alone. It didn't
matter that she wasn't mine to take. I was taking her
anyway, and if I could tattoo myself onto her skin, bury
myself into her heart, and etch myself onto her soul, I would.
Her eyes widened, but before she could respond, I closed
the distance between us and grasped her chin with my hand.

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