super rich kids

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Warnings: Mentions of sex & vulgar language.

Clove felt like an animal.

That's the only way she could describe it. Especially when the paparazzi resulted to relentless and reckless techniques, in order to take a photo of her.

She barely ever have room to breathe, let alone move or even exist. That was just one of the many perks of being the Presidents granddaughter.

Carrying the Kentwell name meant Clove was burdened from birth, she'd been forced to grow up quicker than most average children, and grew up without tne luxury of freedom. While it was incredibly difficult being in the centre of the spotlight, Clove knew she also didn't have a right to complain, she was one of the richest, and most privileged children in Panem.

Besides, it wasn't always terrible, Clove had her friends who'd been brought up the exact same way she had. That's the reason they got along so well, like her, they were sons and daughters of incredibly powerful aristocrats.

Modern day royalty if you will.

Due to their status in their country, they were typically the centre of all attention. That typically meant that their every word, move and action was documented and reported. Because of this, there was a lot of pressure on their entire bloodlines to behave perfectly, any negative publicity meant dishonour to their family name. It was simple enough... At least that's what they had all thought.
When entering their teenage years, Clove and the rest of her friends, very quickly realised staying away from trouble and scandal was a lot more difficult than they initially though— Especially because they were living in the world of Panem's Anonymous, an anonymous blogger that took particular interest of reporting on the lives of Panem's elite. With them recording and reporting Clove's every move, it was difficult for her to not be in the centre of a public scandal.

Her most recent debacle? A drunken joyride with her best friend, and cohort, Glimmer Belcourt.

That stunt had caused a riot within the public, nevertheless, Clove's grandfather and father weren't too pleased about the publicity. Clove's grandfather Calix Kentwell had been in office four years, and was currently campaigning for a second term, so when his granddaughter made headlines
for breaking federal law to say he was not pleased was an understatement. "Really Clove?" Her father Orion asked, placing his now folded newspaper on the dining table. "Driving under the influence and without a license?" He continued.

Clove slowly grew frustrated with her father's persistent nagging, she understood the error
of her ways and had acknowledged it days ago, but was still under scrutiny from the press and her family. Clove briefly turned her head to catch a glimpse of the newspaper, 'Granddaughter of President Calix Kentwell, Clove Kentwell, once again under public scrutiny — More details on Page 1.'

Once again? Dicks. She thought.

"I mean really, what is it now? Your tenth time making page one?" He continued, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Twenty-second." She sad defiantly, causing her father to shake his head once again. The first few times she'd received a telling off from her father and grandfather, part of her had felt disappointed in herself. But after hearing the same speech twenty-two times over, she found it had lost it's impact the third time round.

As of right on que, the sounds of phones buzzing, alerting her and everyone in the room that Panem's Anonymous had made yet another post."Fantastic." Her father said sarcastically.

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