when i first saw you

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Warnings: Mentions of violence & vulgarity.
Not a lot of people interested Cato Hadley. For the majority of his life, he had grown up with an ego twice the size of the country he lived in and a superiority complex that was only fuelled by his doting parents and the company he kept. Company which Clove whole heartedly believed only existed,  to kiss his ass. As a result of having grown up with an overinflated ego and a God complex such as his own, Cato found that when it came to being either impressed or interested by another person, it was almost impossible. For the majority of his life, Cato found that most people he met and came across were either extremely mediocre or extremely interesting, never in between. Only four times in his life had he come across  the latter:

The first person that had every truly interested Cato was one out of his three best friends, Lysander Cran. One of the most well known facts about Cato, was that he did not make friends with just anyone. Meaning if someone from District 2 was not of the same social standing or financial situation as his own, the likelihood was, Cato Hadley wouldn't even look in your direction. Before he met Lysander, Cato was infamously part of a group that consisted of wealthy, well-known boys in the District. He very quickly established himself as leader, something which did not necessarily sit well with the other boys. However this was something they all let slide as deep down they all knew that being part of the group under someone else's rule was far better than not being in it at all.

Their first encounter had taken place in the District 2 Training Academy, the place were Cato picked all his friends, this way if they didn't have the qualities he most desired- he'd know that from the start, rather than finding out much later on. Cato had been observing Lysander for a while, whenever he came to training he'd often stay in the shadows, only interacting with other's when necessary. This was something which Cato admittedly found strange as the Cran name was an incredibly famous one in their District, Cato thought that someone almost as famous as himself, would be a little more... outgoing. Lysander Cran came from an affluent family, some of which were victors from previous games, as per expected. He was well known, rich and good looking. Qualities which Cato shared and appreciated in his friends.

It was on a regular Tuesday that Cato met Lysander, and just as he'd met the majority of his friends, it had been in the District 2 training Academy. "Nick." Cato said, turning to face his acquaintance that stood nearby, fiddling with a pair of throwing knives.

"What's up?" Nicholas replied, slowly moving towards Cato.

"That guy over there." Cato began, motioning towards the then, unacquainted Lysander. "That's Lysander Cran... Right?"

"Right." Nicholas replied with a cock of his eyebrow. "Why? You got something planned for him?" He pried, with a tight grin. Internally Cato rolled his eyes, Nicholas was indeed a nosy one.

"I don't know." Cato replied nonchalantly, something which was a complete and total lie. In fact, from the second he laid eyes on the boy, Cato knew exactly what he'd do with him. And that was to recruit him. It had been a few times at that point that Cato had been there to witness the boy train and it had been every time that he left the training centre more impressed than the time before it. Yes Cato knew exactly what he was going to do, but was reluctant about sharing his plan of actions with his so called friends... That was something which wasn't an isolated feelings, and happened almost anytime Cato had a brilliant plan or revaluation: As a result of this, Cato very quickly gathered that keeping his thoughts and plans inconspicuous from the rest, was most definitely the best course of action.

That same afternoon, Cato waited for his entourage to be out of earshot before approaching the boy, who had then moved onto the swords station. Cato's specialty. Cato only stood a few feet behind Lysander, taking the time to silently observe him one more time, before making a tactical decision. It was safe to say Cato had never been more impressed than he was at that moment, Lysander truly moved with ease and grace, something he'd only ever seen in himself and his very own predecessor: Darius Hadley. "Lysander Cran." He said quietly, ensuring he didn't startle the boy, wielding a sharp and deadly weapon.
Cato watched as Lysander slowly spun to face him, with a look of concern etched into his features.

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