lights, camera, action.

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Warnings: Vulgar language, heavy sexual content & rough sexual content.

"I don't think this is..." Cato began, but very quickly trailed off as another intense wave of pleasure washed over him. Instead a deep sigh of contempt came out of his mouth, an action which caused Clove fo peer down at him through her long, black eyelash which were now sporting tiny droplets of sweat. "Fuck." He gasped sharply, unable to stop himself when his hands instant flew onto either side of Clove's torso. Clove felt herself shift from atop of Cato as his back lifted off the couch slightly, Cato found it slightly embarrassing that he couldn't for the life of him stay still. However, Clove on the other hand, knew he could never and never would be able to stay still whenever she was on top: Cato had a severe soft spot for Clove already, something which was made entirely worse whenever she got on top.

That day, they just happened to be doing it on Cato's family yacht. To both Cato and Clove, at the time it had seemed like a reasonable idea, to do it on a vessel that had an unnecessary amount of windows.

They'd both very quickly soon realise the errors of their ways.

If that weren't enough, one few too many glasses of merlot had unsurprisingly spurred Clove to convince Cato that recording themselves would be a good idea. Clove had always had a little bit of a thing for being in front of the cameras in an intimate way, no one had ever shared that interest, no one except Cato. When they started sleeping with each other, they both discovered a number of things they didn't know could bring them so much joy. Particularly Clove, who had learned and experienced a plethora of things, thanks to Cato Hadley.

One of those being the art of movie making.

It was often a rare occurrence that between the pair, Cato Hadley was the one to think rationally, as it was often Clove to be the one to do so. But in that particular circumstance, Cato had been the one to express some rational and valid concerns.

His first main argument, was that the pair were two extremely established members of society and were granddaughter and grandson to two of the most distinguished politicians in Panem. Usually after having their fun, Cato would make sure that any video evidence of their time spent together was throughly gotten rid of, knowing that if any videos of theirs was to see the light of day it would be scandal so big that even families with their notoriety and affluence would struggle to clean up the mess.

Usually Cato wouldn't oppose to anything Clove suggested, he loved her so much, he'd just about try anything with her. Recording wasn't a new concept to him, so when she first suggested it, he didn't protest, even praised the idea instead.
The first few times, Cato found that he was having the time of his life doing what they were doing, it was risky, it was fun and it made them both feel good about themselves. But after a while, Cato found that each time they filmed themselves, he felt a growing feeling of anxiousness in the pit of his stomach.

"Do you not want to do this?" She asked quietly, slowing her movements down, Clove was tipsy, and couldn't help but feel a twinge of hurt and offence at the assumption she'd drawn from Cato's fraction of a sentence.

"God no." He groaned, involuntarily bucking his hips upwards as he did so. He fucked her upwards, in order to spur her to continue, and was incredibly disappointed when instead of continuing to ride him she swiftly got off from atop of him and kneeled beside him with a look of concern. "Come on Clove—" He whined, attempting to pull her back ontop of him, by her arm.

"You don't want to have sex with me." She accused, swiftly grabbing the camera that had moments before, had been propped up and rolling. Cato watched in disappointment, as Clove quickly erased their first and failed attempt. He was slightly annoyed, not with her, but with the fact that his inability to communicate had caused his girlfriend to believe that he didn't want her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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