Grian has added you to the chat

148 3 7

Okay, this was originally posted on ao3, and already has 12 chapters. However, I'm posting it here to share it with more people.

Some notes on the story you may want to know:

- Main ships: Desert Duo/Scarian, Boat Boys/Smalletho, and Flower Ranchers (which won a vote on the ao3 site).

- Centered on Double Life

- All the interactive stuff happens on ao3 if you're reading this story here you're really missing out XD. If you want to take part in votes (such as the most recent one involving flower ranchers, flower husbands, and ranchers), read on ao3. I mean, seriously. I am definitely more active there.

Anyway, onto the story :D

[Grian] added [GoodTimesWithScar], [MumboJumbo], and 14 others to the chat.

[Grian] renamed the chat to [COOL PEOPLE]

[Grian]: Hey everyone and welcome to LIFE!!!

[GoodTimesWithScar]: Cool

[GoodTimesWithScar] changed their name to [Scar]

[MumboJumbo]: Grain, what is this

[Grian]: WhO iS tHiS gRaIn ChArAcTeR???

[MumboJumbo] changed their name to [Mumbo]

[Grian]: Where is everyone?

[Solidarity]: I'm here now

Way to start someone's day

I don't even know half of the people here

[Solidarity] changed their name to [Jimmy]

[Grian]: Oh for goodness sake

[Grian] changed 13 other's names.

[Grian]: Okay, done

Does anyone want to go to the new amusement park down the road

[Gem]: Did someone say amusement park

[Grian]: Have you been listening to this conversation this whole time

[Gem]: Nah, I was summoned

[Grian]: How does that even work

"Ooo, look!" Grian pointed at a large sign that read "Ride the Flying Pigs and learn to fly!"

"Oh, hey, remember that Flying Pigs video game I made?" Lizzie asked. "This reminds me of that!"

"Oh, yeah, I remember that!" Joel elbowed her playfully. "I swear it was rigged."

"You're just sore you lost," Lizzie told him.

"Everyone lost!"

"That's true," Scott said. "No one won. We all won dead pig trophies."

"I still treasure that dead pig trophy," Joel told him. "Best trophy ever."

"Okay, you ready?" the employee pushed a button. Grian screamed as he shot up into the air, sitting in an electrical boat. All his friends cheered by the sidelines as Grian "flew" away. Then, they all took turns "flying" in the boat.

"I love this group," Joel said when they were all done. "Very chaotic."

"That's us!" Jimmy cheered. "We're the Bad Boys!"

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