Ch 1: The Call

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(Gabbi/Guiding Light's POV)

I love helping my mother. Sometimes she forces me to, though. I don’t like helping while I’m trying to read. That’s not very fun. You see, I’m reading right now. The book is called The Secret Gard-


Sigh.  I rush down the stairs. “Yes, Ma?”

“What is this mess on the table?”

Uh oh. I had forgotten to clean up my homework papers earlier that day.  “Oh… um, sorry, Ma. I’ll clean it up right away.”

“Gabbi, you need to stop forgetting to clean up after yourself. It is quite aggravating.”

“Yes, Ma. It won’t happen again.”

“It had better not.”

I hear the telephone ring in the other room. My friend promised to call at four o’clock. “I’ll get it!”

“Oh no, you don’t, little missy. You stay here and clean up your homework. After you finish, go right back upstairs.”

“Yes, Ma.” This is one of those moments when I don’t like helping. First, Mother interrupted my reading. Then she has the aUdAcItY to not allow me to answer my friend’s call! Ugh, so rude.

I finish cleaning up and then start climbing the stairs. Not halfway up, I hear a cry from the kitchen. The telephone is in the kitchen. I run back down the stairs.

“No! Mrs. Meddle, is John alive?” My mother talks into the telephone.

John!?  That’s my father’s name! 

I hear muffled words coming from the earpiece. “Yes, John is alive, but he is hurt very badly. I suggest you come visit him at Traymore Hotel.”

I hear my mother choking back tears. “Yes, Mrs. Meddle, we will be there.”

Oh. My. God. Traveling!  I love traveling! And Traymore Hotel!  That’s one of the fanciest hotels in New Jersey! And the oldest in Atlantic City! I’ve always wanted to stay at an old hotel.

“Are you sure John will be all right?”

“Yes, Mrs. Lynch.”

Oh. I forgot. Papa is hurt. This won’t be a normal trip.

I hear my mother hang up the phone. She turns around. Her face is tear-streaked. “Oh! Gabbi… I suppose you heard my conversation with Mrs. Meddle?”

“Yes, Ma. Is Papa all right?”

“He will be. Go pack your suitcase for a week's trip.”

“All right, Ma. But why is Papa at a hotel?” I question.

“The US Military leased it. They turned it into a hospital for now.”

“Oh.” I wonder why the Military doesn’t just use a normal hospital for this. The poor beds and the floor at the Traymore… They will be all blood-stained… shudder. Well, no use thinking about that. I’ll go pack my bags.


A little over two hours later, we’re in a taxi on our way to Atlantic City. As we drove, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement building inside me. The anticipation of seeing Papa after such a long time was almost too much to bear. I keep glancing at my watch, counting down the minutes until our arrival. The taxi driver's small talk went unnoticed as my mind was consumed with thoughts my father, who I haven't seen in months. With each passing mile, the excitement grows stronger. I know that in just four short hours, I will finally be reunited with Papa, and I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees me.

Author Note (A/N)
sup. chapter 1! ik, theyre pretty short (':
who cares.
not me.
womp womp
sorry for any inconsistencies in what i call Gabbi's father. it was original Pop, but i changed it to Papa- so ya

why is the last paragraph so fancy
word count: 617


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