Ch 2: The Hotel

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"Gabbi, wake up. We're here," my mother says gently.

I wake up reluctantly. "Hmmm." Sleeping in the car can give you such a crick in the neck...

"Unbuckle yourself and get your suitcase from the trunk," Ma says.

"All right, Ma." When I got out of the taxi, I looked up at Traymore Hotel in wonder. Wow. It's even fancier in real life than the picture in the book from the library.

It wasn't actually fancier than the picture. Rather, it only looked fancier because the photo was black-and-white.

"Get your suitcase, Gabbi," Ma says, snapping me out of my daydreaming.

"Oh, right, Ma. I forgot what we were doing for a second there."

Ma shakes her head, smiling. "Hurry."


I grab my suitcase from the trunk, then head up the front stairs and into the lobby. This doesn't look like a hospital. I look around and see a grouchy-looking woman behind a grouchy-looking desk.

"Name?" she asks.

Ma answers, "Gertrude Estell Lynch, visiting John David Lynch."

"Ah, another wife from the 105th Airborne Unit," droned the lady, "Your husband is in room 208 and your room will be room 319."

"Is there a chance we could get a room closer to John?" questions Ma.

"I'm afraid not ma'am. That is the closest room we could get."

"All right, thanks anyway," Ma said with a pained smile.

Ah, yes, faux politeness. Classic mother move.

"Here is your room key," the lady hands Ma the key, "Now off you go, and don't let the girl get into anything. The hotel is quite expensive," she says as she glares at me.

"Yes, of course," Ma said with an annoyed look on her face.

Another façade.

"Hello, Grouch? I'm right here." I muttered under my breath.

When we got out of earshot of the receptionist, Ma said, "That lady is an old grouch. Don't let what she said get to your head."

"Yes, Ma," I thought for a moment. I suppose I should cheer my mother up a little bit. "I'm going to call her 'Ol' Grouch-a-Roony'."

Ma laughs, a sound I haven't heard in ages. "Now let's get to our room and unpack."

"I still can't believe we're at the grand Traymore Hotel."

"Don't forget, we are here to help your father."

"Yes, Ma," internal sigh. Ma can really ruin a good moment sometimes.


Once we got to our room I looked around in wonder once again. "This whole hotel is so fancy! Even the elevator is fancy. It also has a good song," I make an impression of it, "Buh-bum-budum-bum-buh-bum-badum-bum-badabaaa." (insert the game's elevator jam here)

Ma laughs again, "Enough of your nonsense, my crazy little girl. Go unpack your suitcase. Hopefully, we can see Pop in the morning."

"All right, Ma."


After I unpack my suitcase, I take a shower and crawl into bed with Ma. "I bid ye good night, Ma."

Ma sighs a laughing sigh, "Good night, Gabbi."

Author Note (A/N)


my chapters are short I know (':

tElL mE wHYyYyYy

Random question for whoever reaches this point lol

-Which is your favorite entity in Doors? (I assume you've played it)-

Word Count: 523


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