#10- The Figure

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(TW: a bit of violence)

I shine my light around looking for the origin of the noise, and quickly spot a 15-foot-tall figure-- monster? demon? alien?-- Whatever this... thing is, it seems like it's made out of the same flesh and bone as the piles in the other room. Its head is round and doesn't seem to have a face, other than a gaping mouth with very sharp blood-stained teeth. There is an orange light that shines from within its mouth. The figure has an exterior rib cage and extremely long arms that nearly drape on the floor behind it. Its arms also have sharp claws. How fun.

I cover my mouth tightly to avoid screaming. I feel along the door next to me to get out, but that fails miserably, and only alerts the beast to my location. I try to dash away, but it quickly chases me. Every step behind me sounds like a squishy stomp, which sickens me.

The figure gets closer with every moment that passes. Its devious growling frightens me to my very core, yet it also makes me more determined to escape. 

Right before I turn a corner, it suddenly snatches me up. I let out a terrified shriek. I brace myself right before it tears into me.

Is this how I am going to die?


Wait, what am I doing? I'm already dead. This isn't even my actual body.

I release myself from the angel statue and watch as the figure bites down, then reels its head back in surprise. It paws at the stiff and cold statue for a moment, before smashing the stone into smithereens. It seems angry, similar to that of a temper tantrum.

Before leaving, I observe the figure wander around for a moment, repeatedly bumping into things. I notice how it doesn't seem to really know where it's going. With sudden realization, it dawns on me that it is blind. Well, that explains why this thing hasn't gotten out of this room yet.

I return to the door myself, wanting to get as far from the monster as possible. I glance back at it one last time before going through the stinky room of flesh and back up the ladder. I fix the rug and then continue on my way, pretending nothing happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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