Ch 7: Hauntings

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It's been two weeks since my... umm... death.

I've been experimenting with being a ghost, and I found that I can haunt inanimate objects. It's easier if it has a face. I also made a few people scream when I made a book fly.

There are two small statues of an angel in the courtyard. I'm going to try haunting one of them. If I can get it to look more like an angel and less like a statue, I can continue helping people.

I've noticed that when I walk past a mirror, there's a blue shimmery light where my body should be. I suppose that's what I look like now.


A few days later, I see Ma and Papa packing up to leave. I wish I could go with them, but when I try to leave the hotel's gates, it's like there's an invisible border there.

I hide my favorite items so I can keep them with me. They get into a taxi just like the one Ma and I came in, and drive away.


Life, or death I suppose, hasn't been too bad without my parents. I don't need to eat, drink, or do anything.

I've been practicing changing the things I haunt. I haunted one of the statues one day, but it still only looked like a statue of an angel. I'll probably get to changing it eventually. I suppose I will just keep trying. It's not like I have anything better to do.

Author Note

so sorry I haven't posted. I had sum alllllll day Wednesday-Saturday!

Word Count: 260


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