Ch 8- Angels

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I finally succeeded in making the angel statue look real. I make it look a little bit like me, but more angelic, of course. It still looks like a statue, but that's fine. At least I get to help now.

I haunt the statue and practice talking and acting like an angel. When I'm not haunting, I eavesdrop on conversations and discover that some people have passed through the courtyard and noticed that the statue is missing. They'll think nothing of it and come back a few minutes later to find the statue in its normal place. Sorry, not sorry...

Well, it's time to try out helping. I do exactly what I was doing before. Get a plate from the kitchen, look at the number on the paper, and take the plate to its proper room. Simple. Right?

Wrong. I drew attention like bears to honey. Who wouldn't notice an angel statue with a sword waltzing around? Guests, staff, and nurses alike stopped to stare when they saw me. It was like I was the new story of the century. Well, other than the war.

The nurses eventually got used to my helping. They were glad to have an extra pair of hands around.


Two years and eight months later, the war ended. Rejoicing is heard throughout the hotel. Patients get pushed out on wheelchairs to watch the parades. Very soon, the Traymore will return to being a normal hotel.


About ten months later, in June 1946, the last patients left, and ownership of the hotel was returned to Daniel White. He hired cleaners to scrub the hotel down. It was even fancier after that, if you can believe it.

One day, I cross Mr. White's path. He stands there staring at me.

"Hello, Mr. White," I say, attempting to be nice. People can hear me when I haunt something with a mouth.

"Uh... uh..." he stammers.

"I'm Gabriella Lynch," I introduce myself.

He gathers his composure. "Gabriella..." He ponders the name for a moment," Gabriella- Lynch!? Isn't she the girl who died in the fire a couple of years ago?"

"Yes, sadly..." I start.

"Isn't that the statue from the courtyard?" he says as he gestures at me.

"Yes, it is. I found that the porcelain dolls are too small."

"But- what- why- how... huh?"

"Oh yes, sorry. More accurately, I am Gabbi's soul."

"Excuse me?"

"You see, sir, I am a ghost, and I'm haunting this statue so I can move around and help the staff. Unpaid, of course."

"Oh," is all he could say.

"Well, I must be on my way. I need to carry this plate to room 385." I try to leave the conversation. I don't prefer to speak of the fact that I am a ghost.

"Uh... all right..." he seems downright confused.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. White," I say, being polite.

"Nice to meet you too Gabbi..." he walks away, muttering about going to a psychologist.

"What a funny man," I whisper to myself.

Author Note
Sup, so this is the end of what I already wrote 😔
I'll try to post just as often, but who knows. I do have already have a couple general ideas for what to do next


Word Count: 540


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