Ch 3: Seeing Papa

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Ma woke me up at about eight o’clock this morning. Since then, I’ve explored the first floor of Traymore Hotel, all the while avoiding Ol’ Grouch-a-Roony.

I’ve also called Jessie, my best friend. Her father is also in the Military, though not the unit Papa was in, thankfully. Ma told me more about what happened. His unit’s plane got shot down and only he and two other men survived. The poor families of the other men. They must be hurting so badly now. Jessie said she’ll call me every day. I’m glad to have a good best friend.

Ma said that we could see Papa in about fifteen minutes. I can’t wait. I haven’t seen him for about three months now. This would’ve been a joyful reunion, under different circumstances. I’m just happy Pop is alive. EEEEE

“Gabbi, we can head down now. The nurses just called,” Ma told me.

“So, we can see Papa?” I asked.

“Yes,” Ma replied, “but don’t expect him to be his normal self, all right?”

“Yes, Ma.”

“Good. Now let’s go.”

As we head down the elevator, I think about Papa. The last time I saw him, he had a full, fluffy beard, bright green eyes, a sweet smile, and a mop for hair. My mother warned me to not expect him to be himself, but he can’t look that different, right?

I was wrong. When I looked at him, I did a double-take to make sure he was actually my father. Papa’s beard and hair were burnt and bedraggled, his eyes looked dull, he was all bandaged up, and he was missing a leg. A leg! He looked terrible. Now, I wasn’t about to say that to his face, but he did. He looked like he had been in a plane crash. Well, I mean, he had. You can’t blame a man for looking like he had been through war when he did. Poor Papa.

“Papa?” I asked in disbelief, “Is that you?”

His eyes lit up. “Gabbi? Is that you? You look so grown up!”

“Papa!” Ma was wrong. He isn’t that different… other than his appearance.

“And Gerty! I missed you so much!”

I watched as Ma broke down in tears. I can’t blame her. She hadn’t seen her husband for three months, then got a call that he was badly hurt in war. “Oh, John, why did you do this to me? I thought you were on the brink of death!”

“I was. But I’m alive, Gerty. These nurses helped me and got me back to full health!”

“But John, you are still wrapped in bandages, and your leg! It’s gone!”

“I suppose they forgot to mention that little detail?” Papa raised an eyebrow, or what was left of one.

“I suppose they did,” Ma was giving my father a hard time, but I could tell she was ecstatic to see him.

“Papa, this hotel is ginormous! And so fancy!”

“By the looks of my room, I can believe you aren’t exaggerating it being fancy there, Gabbi.”

I giggled at that. “Papa, I never exaggerate.”

Pop laughs, then starts coughing. “Gabbi, would you be a dear and hand me the cough drop on the nightstand?”

“Yes, of course, Papa.”

“Thank you, ever so kindly, little lady.”

“You’re welcome, Papa.”

“Gabbi, would you go outside so me and your father can talk?” my mother asked.

“Yes, Ma.” Well, that’s depressing. I only just got to see Papa and now they’re sending me away.

Author Note
I don't have anything to say. except it's short again lol
Word count: 608


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