Prologue: Nowadays...

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(Nobody/3rd POV)

"El Goblino! Come back here with my coins!" a spider in a drawer yells.

"Oye, hombre*, you're just an itty-bitty spider. What are you going to do about it?" a goblin, short, red, with pirate-like piercings, taunts.

The spider mutters, "Oh, just watch..." he yells, "Guiding Liiiiiight!!! El Goblino's trying to take my coins again!" The goblin, El Goblino, scowls, knowing he lost. ugh... Timothy always calls for the Spirit's help. It's so annoying...  He thinks.

He notices sparkles in the air as a sky-blue ghostly angel glides over to the argument, "El Goblino, give Timothy his gold back."

"Ha, dude! Fat chance." El Goblino goes for a shot in the dark, hoping that Guiding Light will give up, which never happens.

Guiding Light lets out an exasperated sigh. "Now."

"Ugh, fine, man," the goblin says as he tosses the gold back into the drawer, almost squishing Timothy.

"Thank you."

"For the record, this doesn't mean I won't try again, hombre," El Goblino mutters.

"All right, I'll just keep getting Guiding Light to help me again and again," retorts little Timothy.

"Okay, whatever, man," the little coward. annoying. as always, he thinks.

"Enough, you two. El Goblino, I know you really like your gold, but you have got to stop taking it from Timothy."

"But, dude, according to Timothy," complains El Goblino, "all the drawers are his, and all the gold is in the drawers. How the hell am I going to get my gold!?"

"How about this? Timothy, the gold in the first fifty rooms is all yours, and in the second fifty rooms, El Goblino can take anything he wants," suggests Guiding Light.

Timothy thinks about this. "Okay, that sounds fair. But can I still go in all the drawers?"

"Sure. And you, El Goblino?"

"Oh, all right, hombre. But if he complains I'm taking his gold, I'll start taking it from the first half too."

"Okay. Then it's settled," states Guiding Light.

"Hey, Guiding Light, why are you so helpful all the time?" asks Timothy.

"Pfft, helpful to you, dude," El Goblino laughs.

Guiding Light ignores the snarky comment. "Oh, I don't know. When I was just a kid, not a spirit, mind you, I always helped my mom around the house when my dad was out in the War."

"Is this going to be a long story?" questions Timothy.

"Why, yes, it is," Guiding Light replies.

"Oye, hombre, I love a good story," El Goblino says as both Timothy and El Goblino get comfortable.

"All right then. So, it was 1942, in the midst of World War II..."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, they see a blur of black and gray as Rush rushes by. "OYE! DESACELERAR!*" El Goblino yells.

Rush stops and looks back, "wut?"

Timothy says, "Do you wanna know why Guiding Light's so helpful?"

"Sure, why not."

"Alright then, sit down. This is gonna take awhile," Guiding Light says.

A few more entities are moving along, specifically Halt, Eyes, and Seek. They decide to listen to the story as well. Jack and Hide both peek out from wardrobes, and soon enough they've all gathered around, except for the Figure and Ambush, and Snare (obviously, he ain't sentient enough for a story). "Where's Ambush?" Void, a black, um, void says. "Sleeping," Halt responds. "What about the Figure?" Glitch asks. "He never leaves the library, and even if he did, what would he do? He's honestly kinda brainless. He doesn't even have a good tactic for killing the Wanderers*," Eyes says. If only you knew... Guiding Light thinks to herself. "Alright, starting again," she says.

"It was 1942, in the midst of the Second World War."

Author Note (A/N)

yo! the prologue, what do y'all think? anyway, here's the asterisks:

*'Oye' means 'hey' in Spanish, and 'hombre' means man

*'desacelerar' means 'slow down' in Spanish

*the term 'Wanderers' is my personal word for the players in Doors.

btw I used Google Translate, so if it's wrong tell me pls (':

so, about this book. I've already written quite a bit of it, so some will be published quickly, and once I run out of that, then it will take longer.

666 words :o


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