Ch 9: The Basement

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(possible trigger warning: slight gore)

I was wandering around the hotel with nothing to do. A bored child is a mischievous one, as my mother would always say. But I'm not getting into any mischief. I think.

I tripped over the rug in a back hall on the ground floor, making it curl up. I grunt and stand up, then go to fix the rug.

"Woah, what's this?" There's a wooden panel with hinges and a large metal ring.

"Now I'm no expert, but this looks like a trapdoor." Curiosity gets the best of me and I lift it up easily. I stare down into the blackness under it, unsure if I should go down the ladder or not.

Eh. Why the heck not! I look around before draping the rug over the slightly open trapdoor so it will go back in place when I shut it. I climb down a short distance and then shut the trapdoor over my head.

Dang, it's really dark. I make my aura brighter so I can see, and then start my descent.

When I near the bottom, it gets a bit smelly. I hop off the ladder and shine some of my light around like a flashlight. I observe my surroundings and see a bunch of cage-like walls and wine barrels. "Well this just looks like a wine cellar. Why would they put a rug over this?"

I walk around for a minute before tripping over something slightly squishy. "wOaH!" I get hit with a whiff of what I can only describe as death. I look over, simultaneously moving my light, to see what I tripped on.

I scream and cover my mouth, my eyes wide. I scramble backwards, only to bump into another pile of the stuff. I hop and and look for a quick way out, and see a door. I run to it, then go into the new room and shut the door quickly. 

Flesh. The piles were made out of flesh, blood, and bone. Human or not, I don't know. I would prefer not to find out either.

I sit on the floor, shaken to my core. I take deep breaths... uh, do the action of that. I look around and realize that the room is a library. A library? In a secret wine cellar basement? Weird.

I stand up and look around. I gaze at all the books in wonder. I take one off the shelf that looks interesting, I flip it over to read the description, and I drop it onto the floor.

Suddenly, I hear an unholy screech.




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