Ch 4: Helping

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I asked a passing nurse if I could help with anything.

“Why yes, you can. You could deliver food and drinks for the patients,” the nurse, Martha (I read her nametag), answered.

“Oh, thank you, that will give me something to do while my mother and I wait for my father to heal.”

“Your father was in the 105th Airborne Unit?” she asked.

“Yes. Only he and two other men survived.”

“My cousin’s husband was in that unit as well. He sadly didn’t make it.”

“Aw. My condolences,” I replied.

“Well, I need to deliver this to room 231. Would you like to come along?” Martha questions.

“Sure. May I carry one of the plates?”

“Yes, it would be helpful to have an extra pair of hands around here.”

“All right.”

“What’s your name?”

“Gabriella Lynch. But you can call me Gabbi,” I replied.

“Alright, Gabbi. I’m Martha Prince, and you can call me Martha.”

“Nice to meet you, Martha.”


A little while later, I’m starting to get the hang of carrying multiple plates at once. It’s quite simple. You only need to carry one in each hand, and one on each arm. As long as you don’t drop them. Which I did. Once.

Ma likes it that I’m helping, if only a little. Sigh. Just like her to want me to do chores even away from home.

One time, a few days later, another nurse, Eleanor, by her nametag, asked why I was going into the kitchen. I said that Martha told me I could help out by delivering food and drinks to the patients. Eleanor wondered why anyone would trust a child with work. I wanted to tell her I wasn’t a child, but that would be rude, so I didn’t.


I enjoy helping everyone out, but I want to do more. I’ve always wanted to be a nurse, so maybe the nurses here would allow me to watch. Oh, who knows?

“Gabbi, come see your father. He’s doing much better,” Ma told me.

“Really?” I was tired. It was seven o’clock in the morning.

“Yes. He is awake and wants to see you.”

“Alright!” I hopped out of the bed and changed my clothes. “Let’s go. I want to see Pop.” I filled up a glass of water to bring him on my way down.
“Gabbi! Welcome to my humble abode,” my father was so silly sometimes.

“Hi, Pop!”

“I see you brought me water.”

“Yes, I thought you might be thirsty,” I replied.

“Well, you thought correctly.”

“I always think correctly.”

“‘Always’ is a bit of exaggeration, don’t you think?” Pop asked.

Papa! I never exaggerate.”

Pop gave a funny look, “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes,” I kept a poker face saying this. A second later, Pop and I burst out laughing.

“Alright, Gabs. I’ll pretend that is true."

Author Note
Hello! I know, it's trash :D
Ty for reading
Word Count: 492

bye now

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